Sound Designer
The engineer Rosalie leads a life without standing still. She doesn't feel old for a long time, only mature. When Rosalie returns to Germany after a fainting spell at a solar project in Africa, it's just supposed to be a breather. When she shows up at her bourgeois sister Margret's with a huge container, she is not very enthusiastic about the surprise visit. The retired teacher sees right through that Rosalie isn't staying with her voluntarily. The well-travelled woman is broke! It seems like a miracle that there are a huge chunk of banknotes in a hole in the wall of the room. On the other side of the wall there is the room of the highly talented high school graduate Karla, who rents a part of Margret's house with her father Harald. After a failed first meeting, Rosalie befriends with the wheelchair-bound teenager and sets her mind on getting Karla out of her sheltered isolation, even against her will.
Dialogue Editor
Kreuzeder was once a successful commissioner, but now he rarely solves a case. After more than 20 years in the service, he just wants to retire as quickly as possible and leave everyday life in the homicide squad in Lower Bavaria behind. Kreuzeder is of the opinion that humanity is coming to an end anyway, so he prefers to get drunk in the tavern and flirt with the waitress Gerda Bichler there instead of going about his work.
Sound Designer
Clemens lives and breathes his grandfather’s stories. When his grandfather passes away, it is difficult for him to understand that it is now his turn to continue telling his stories. Story-telling becomes a way for him to not only keep the stories but also the memory of his grandfather alive.
Sound Designer
This documentary gives a voice to organizers, DJs and party guests. Through their memories and confessions as well as unpublished videos and photos 20 years of history come back to life.
Sound Re-Recording Assistant
それぞれ時代も場所も違う6つのエピソードが入れ子状に関連しながら大きな物語を構成していくデイヴィッド・ミッチェルの同名小説を、「マトリックス」のウォシャウスキー姉弟と「パフューム ある人殺しの物語」のトム・ティクヴァ監督が、原作同様、エピソードごとにジャンルの違う語りで映画化した一大映像叙事詩。主演のトム・ハンクスはじめ、ハル・ベリー、ジム・ブロードベント、ペ・ドゥナら豪華スターたちが輪廻転生を象徴するように、各時代の登場人物を人種や性別を超えて演じ分ける大胆な配役も話題に。
1849年、南太平洋。青年ユーイングは、妻の父から奴隷売買を託され、船での航海に出るが…。1936年、スコットランド。ユーイングの航海日誌を読む若き作曲家フロビシャー。父に勘当され、天才作曲家のもとで曲づくりに悪戦苦闘する。その曲は、のちに幻の名曲と呼ばれる『クラウド アトラス六重奏』だった…。1973年、サンフランシスコ。巨大企業の汚職を追及する女性ジャーナリスト、ルイサは、会社が放った殺し屋に命を狙われるが…。2012年、イングランド。著書を酷評した評論家を殺害した作家ホギンズ。彼の自伝は大ヒットし、出版元の編集者は大儲けとなるが…。2144年、ネオ・ソウル。そこは遺伝子操作によって複製種が作られ、人間のために消費される社会。複製種の少女ソンミ451は自我に目覚め、反乱を企てるが…。そして遥か未来、文明がすっかり崩壊した地球。ある羊飼いの男のもとを、進化した人間コミュニティからやって来た一人の女が訪ねるが…。6つのエピソードは並行して描かれ、やがて怒濤のクライマックスへと突き進んでいく。
Sound Re-Recording Assistant
A relaxing Christmas vacation turns into a terrifying fight for survival as the children begin to turn on their parents