Marta Weiss


Assisted Fishing
Camera Operator
Dewey Winfield is a lovable loser who wants nothing more than to beat the guy who has bullied him his whole life in a big fishing tournament. In order to win, Dewey will need the help of some eccentric senior citizens who are about to be evicted from their assisted living home. When they all go fishing, comedy ensues - tragedy strikes - and Dewey discovers that his hopes and dreams of winning the fishing tournament may not be the most important thing in life after all.
光の旅人 K-PAX
Second Assistant "B" Camera
Second Assistant "B" Camera
9年間の刑務所暮らしを終えて出所したウィルソン(テレンス・スタンプ)は、ひとり娘ステイシー(ニッキー・カット)がLAで事故死したという手紙を受け取る。死の真相を確かめるべく、手紙を出した彼女の友人エド(ルイス・ガズマン)を訪ねたウィルソンは、やがて彼女の死に大物音楽プロデューサーのテリー(ピーター・フォンダ )がからんでいるのを知る…。