Junki Takegami
出生 : 1955-02-06, Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan
ラ・サール高校、日活芸術学院技術科卒業。主にTVシリーズのアニメーションや特撮ヒーロー物の脚本、或いはシリーズ構成等を手掛けている。過去には、本名の山崎昌三(やまざき しょうぞう)や谷本敬次(たにもと けいじ)の筆名を用いた事もあり。
アニメーション製作会社葦プロダクションの社員として編集に携っていたが、1981年には初期の企画時から文芸スタッフも兼ねていた同社のTVシリーズ作品『戦国魔神ゴーショーグン』の第6話にて、本名の山崎昌三名義で脚本家としてのデビューを果たすことになる。 翌年の『魔法のプリンセスミンキーモモ』においても本名、もしくは谷本敬次の名義で脚本を担当。因みに同シリーズの半ばまでは、編集のクレジットにも本名が記されている。 その後は影山楙倫や、いのまたむつみらと共にカナメプロダクションの設立へと参加。 『魔法のプリンセスミンキーモモ』の頃には脚本家の首藤剛志に、『プラレス3四郎』では藤川桂介の両者にそれぞれ師事することで、職業脚本家としての様々なノウハウを学びとり、以降は本職として現在に到っている。 1983年のTVシリーズ作品『さすがの猿飛』からは、以前から使っていた武上純希のペンネームを公式に用いるようになる。 翌年の『Gu-Guガンモ』を機にカナメプロダクションを退社し、フリーの脚本家として活動を開始。
Bonnie & Max are crew members of Pirate Zap's ship. They're tired of the life they're in a want to escape. Only problem is they have no money. Three child hostages over heard their conversation and the eldest, Amanda knows where Bonnie & Max can get loaded. As her father was a pro treasure hunter who hid a treasure and made a deal that they can have it. Max & Bonnie agreed and sneaked away with the 3 kids. And spent one month on the small island on where the treasure is said to be. Luffy and his crew got involved with the conflict. And end up battling against the Bayan & Zap Pirates who both want the same thing. And Amanda is the key to locating the treasure. Will the treasure be claimed by the right people?
The theatrical adaptation of Gaoranger that was a double bill with the Kamen Rider Series film Kamen Rider Agito: Project G4. The film features Gao Kong and the Gao Knight combination.
The hot-blooded manga of love and excitement is revived in the Heisei era!
Heisei Harenchi Gakuen
Misa Kuroi is an adorable high-school girl who arrives at her new school when it is falling under an evil supernatural force. Trying to figure out who's behind the supernatural attack, Misa also has to deal with assumptions by her fellow classmates that believe she is the one behind it all. Misa and twelve other students are kept late after school hours one day to retake an exam. Then, after sunset, the entire school is deserted, and the students find themselves trapped inside and their teacher no where to be found. One by one, the thirteen students are picked up and disposed of in horrific and graphic fashion. It is up to Misa to try and gain the trust of her fellow students so that she can protect them and stop the evil before it's too late.
In 1905, Vergille Strauss is a young thief living in the small country of Apfelland. With the help of a local inspector named Fleischer, he rescues a girl from a group of foreign thugs. Her name is Frieda and she may be the key to a secret that is of great interest to other nations.
Narumi, a man out for revenge with the powers he received and a bit of help from the one who saved his life, he creates the persona of Skull Soldier and attempts to discover who really killed his sister.
In these adaptations of lsamu Tsuchida's picture books for children, Tiffle and Tuffle are two little twins in pointed hats who live on Coracle Island and have a few light-hearted adventures.
Three stories develop familiar Anpanman and popular characters gathered together and filled with love and dreams. Every single talk is short, so even a tired child should be able to sit still in front of the TV: (1) Akachanman's Great Adventure. (2) Currypanman and SL-man. (3) Sing! Anpanman's Dream
The ASH (Abnormal Species Humanoid) first appeared in the beginning of the 1980s. They looked like humans, but they weren't. The ASH can be identified by a pulsating appendage on their back; it resembles an embossed root clutching the spine. These humanoid creatures have the power to destroy telepathically via a deadly impulse which hemorrhages brain cells. Their goal is to populate the planet via random sexual contact and then take control. There are special police units who fight the ASH. This top secret organization is called The Society For Environment Protection and its agents are called psychosists
A violent action film depicting the success of a female investigator in the fight against drug syndicates.
In the chaos of the Jinshin-no-Ran civil war of 762, a child with a small horn in his forehead was born. The child's mother condemned him as an oni and cast him away. An elderly shūgenja woman claimed the child and named him Utsunomiko, or 'Divine Child of the Heavens', telling Miko that his horn smybolizes the union of heaven and earth. Miko matured in the wilderness learning the ways of Shugendō, and soon started venturing into villages out of curiosity. He found that the common people of the villages live in poverty and suffering, and began using his spiritual powers to help them. But his anger at the self-serving rulers and their petty power-struggles grew until he came into open conflict with the Imperial Court, setting Miko down a long path as a champion of the oppressed.
In times of olde, God gave mankind the ten commandments, and a message that has been lost to the centuries. In the present, Koichiro Kamishiro is a modern day Indiana Jones who scours (and often destroys) ruins for hints of the past, until one day he runs across a box filled with two crystal triangles. Having inadvertently run across the key to God's lost message, Kamishiro suddenly has a lot to deal with including assassination attempts by the KGB and the CIA, aliens hell-bent on destroying the Earth and the love of several women!
17歳の多感な女子高生・朝霧陽子。ある日、彼女は恋する人への想いを込め、自ら作った曲を手に、想いを告白しようとするが、自らの不安に負け、告白する事が出来なかった。 後悔の念にとらわれる陽子。次の瞬間、彼女の身体はこの世界から消え去っていた。 陽子のとばされた世界<アシャンティ>は、時空を司る女神・レダに見離され、今や廃墟となりつつあった。次々と現れる不可思議な生き物に、驚きとまどう陽子。そして彼女に襲いかかる謎の兵士達。全てを解くカギは、彼女の作った曲にあった。 彼女の曲が失われたレダパワーを復活させる、レダのハートになっていたのだ。 一見とぼけた風のリンガムや、伝説を信じ、たった一人で果敢に戦い続けるレダの巫女ヨニらと出会い、レダの戦士として目覚めた陽子は、レダパワーを悪用し、次元を超え陽子の世界たるノアを征服せんとするゼルに戦いを挑んでゆく。 それは又、彼女自身の弱い心との戦いでもあった……。