Filip Benko


Goran just got out of high school and doesn't know what he wants to do with his life. Should he stick with his small time gangster friends and make some cash, or listen to Zeko in the fast food stall who thinks you should go to school forever? Right now he is satisfied drinking beer and hitting on girls. But when his mom gets really sick and has to go to the hospital he has to make a choice. She wants to go back to her homeland Croatia one last time. She has even saved up the money. It's waiting for Goran in a plastic bag under her pillow. It's time to make the decision that will change his life forever.
Sandor /slash/ Ida
Ida lives hard and fast with too much drinking and a string of boyfriends, Sandor has very few friends and his mother insists that he practices ballet. They meet in a chat room and despite appearances they discover they have much in common. Sandor and Ida lives in different cities and when Sandor unexpectedly visits her it ends with disaster.