Rille, an ostracized and bullied teenager, who only excels in the ping pong room, descends into a life-and-death struggle with his younger, more popular brother when the truth about their father surfaces during their spring break.
The mother and the younger son in a happy family dies in a car-accident. The father and the teenage-son Jonas survives the accident. Now they have to move on with their lives together.
A black comedy about a couple living together caught from the woman's point of view. An absolute must for men who want to learn something about sex life.
A black comedy about a couple living together caught from the woman's point of view. An absolute must for men who want to learn something about sex life.
This short film was packaged on video with Hartley's featurette "Surviving Desire." It affectionately examines the lives of a group of "young, middle-class, white, college-educated, unskilled, broke, drunk" Brookylnites who would love to make something of their lives -- assuming they can pay the rent first.