Natasha Paul


Blood on Her Name
Stunt Coordinator
A woman's panicked decision to cover up an accidental killing spins out of control when her conscience demands she return the dead man's body to his family.
The Dead Center
When a mysterious "John Doe" wakes up in a morgue and wanders into a psychiatric ward, a devoted doctor and curious medical examiner must slowly uncover dark and sinister secrets about the man that reveal a more horrifying truth than they could have ever imagined.
Stunt Double
Two dysfunctional couples rent a modern luxury desert home for the weekend hoping to sort out their messed-up lives. Just as they are about to settle in for a fun night, a neighbor turns up at their front door saying she has car trouble. But soon they discover the person they let into their home may have nefarious intents.
Stunt Double
死霊館 エンフィールド事件