Ignacio Pavéz


Intiwawa is a short film that tells the story of Amaru, a young member of the Aymara community of Santiago, who after the death of his son falls into alcoholism, which brings him the rejection of the community.
After being involved in a big forest fire to order, Isaac returns to Santiago with the idea of disassociating himself from it. However, it will not be so easy. The fire is far from leaving him.
After being involved in a big forest fire to order, Isaac returns to Santiago with the idea of disassociating himself from it. However, it will not be so easy. The fire is far from leaving him.
After being involved in a big forest fire to order, Isaac returns to Santiago with the idea of disassociating himself from it. However, it will not be so easy. The fire is far from leaving him.
A Christian rehabilitation center will be the refuge for Daniel after years in prison. Wandering through the streets, he will try to sell cakes in a city he knows little to nothing about. However, his real interest is far from capital.
A Christian rehabilitation center will be the refuge for Daniel after years in prison. Wandering through the streets, he will try to sell cakes in a city he knows little to nothing about. However, his real interest is far from capital.
A Christian rehabilitation center will be the refuge for Daniel after years in prison. Wandering through the streets, he will try to sell cakes in a city he knows little to nothing about. However, his real interest is far from capital.