Hisaya Morishige

Hisaya Morishige

出生 : 1913-05-04, Hirakata, Osaka Prefecture, Japan

死亡 : 2009-11-10


Hisaya Morishige (森繁久彌, Morishige Hisaya, May 4, 1913 – November 10, 2009) was a Japanese actor and comedian. Born in Hirakata, Osaka, he graduated from Kitano Middle School (now Kitano High School), and attended Waseda University. He began his career as a stage actor, then became an announcer for NHK, working in Manchukuo. He became famous in films first for comedy roles, appearing in series such as the "Company President" (Shacho) and "Station Front" (Ekimae) series, produced by Toho. He appeared in nearly 250 films, both contemporary and jidaigeki. He was also famous on stage playing Tevye in the Japanese version of Fiddler on the Roof. He also appeared in television series and specials, and was the first guest on the television talk show Tetsuko's Room in 1975. He was long-time head of the Japan Actors Union. Among many honors, Morishige received the Order of Culture from the Emperor of Japan in 1991.


Hisaya Morishige


のび太、しずか、ドラえもんたちが出会った鳥人の少年グースケ。鳥人の世界バードピアから人間界に迷い込んだという。 グースケ自作の人力飛行機スノーグース号を一緒に修理し、グースケのテストフライトを見守っていたのび太たち。だが、グースケの墜落現場をソフトクリーム(漫画ではポテトチップ)を食べながら見ていたジャイアン、スネ夫がその時目撃する。2人はスノーグース号につかまり、そのまま謎の穴に3人を追ってバードピアへやって来たのび太たちは、ドラえもんのひみつ道具「バードキャップ」で鳥人となり、人間界の鳥類を保護する「渡り鳥パトロール隊」の入隊テスト「イカロスレース」に挑むこととなる。グースケもスノーグース号でレースに挑む。 だがその影では、人類を憎悪する鳥人たちが、人間界侵攻のために古代の怪物フェニキアを蘇らせようとしていた。のび太やグースケたちはバードピアを救うため、伝説の勇者「イカロス」と共にフェニキアに立ち向かう。
Chief of Affairs (voice)
Hyobu Chisaka
Known as the ”Last Samurai” Saigo Takamori was a stout giant of a man with a huge head and a neck like a bear. As the leader of Satsuma’s anti-Western faction, he was instumental in establishing the Sat-Cho Alliance dreamed of by Sakamoto Ryoma. After the fall of the Tokugawa, Saigo rose to major prominence before falling in disfavor. In 1876 Saigo Takamori resigned from his government post and went back to Kagoshima. He founded a local military school and dissatisfied samurai gathered around him in large numbers. In late 1876 it came to an open conflict when samurai rebels raided and occupied ammunition and weapon depots of the central government. The samurai rebels urged and proclaimed Saigo Takamori as their leader. While the Tom Cruise movie fictionalized Saigo’s life story, this is history come to life in the most exciting rendition with an all-star cast that is not to be missed!
A story of the skilled brain surgeon, Todo, whose talent and ambition are put to test through a series of high risk surgical procedures.
The life and times of Kûkai, a Japanese monk who studies Esoteric Buddhism in the far reaches of India, China and Tibet, then uses their combined influence to establish the Shingon school during the Heian period in early 9th Century AD.
Earth Federation President
西暦2125年、太陽系外縁の開発に着手していた太陽系開発機構 (SSDO) は、エネルギー問題の解決と開発のシンボルとして、2140年の実現へ向けて「木星太陽化計画」(JS計画)を進めていた。その前線基地であるミネルヴァ基地で、計画主任・本田英二は長らく音信不通だった恋人マリアと再会を果たす。彼女は過激な環境保護団体「ジュピター教団」の破壊工作グループのメンバーとなっていた。英二は宇宙言語学者ミリセント・ウィレムに協力し、木星探査艇「JADE-III」で数万年前に太陽系を訪れた宇宙人の母船「ジュピターゴースト」の探査を行う。一方、英二の友人であるパイロット・キンと天文学者・井上を乗せて彗星源探査に向かっていた宇宙船「スペース・アロー」が謎の遭難を遂げる。計画責任者のマンスールの調査の末、原因はマイクロブラックホールとの接触によるものであり、しかも太陽に衝突するコースをとっている事が判明する。
In collaboration with the LDP presidential election of the entire national public, a masterpiece depicting the reverse side of Showa political history released, superimposed cast, a group image of real politicians centered on Shigeru Yoshida and political history after the war.
Fiddler on the Roof
Special 50th anniversary recording of the Tokyo Imperial Theater production of the Fiddler on the Rood
Gensuke Kishida
青函トンネルの貫通に賭けた男たちの長きにわたる苦闘と人間模様を、主演・高倉健、「八甲田山」の森谷司郎監督が壮大なスケールで描く感動のドラマ。共演は吉永小百合。 昭和29年の青函連絡船・洞爺丸の遭難事故をきっかけに、本州と北海道を結ぶ青函トンネル構想が急速に具体化する。国鉄の技術調査員の阿久津は、海底地質調査のため津軽半島へとやって来る。厳しく美しい龍飛崎の自然を背景に、トンネルの貫通に賭けた男たちの熱いドラマが展開する。
Naoki Hongo
Hirobumi Ito
夢一族 ザ・らいばる
The body of Sakai Hatsuko, a woman of 23 who has been slain with a knife, has been found in a forest. Some days later, Ueda Hiroshi, a 19-year-old shipyard worker, is arrested and charged with the murder. At Ueda's trial, a complex story unfolds.
The story of Sanshiro Sugata, a young man who wants to learn the new art of judo. A wise teacher reveals to Sanshiro that judo is not merely a means of combat nor a demonstration of physical skill, but an art which reveals the artist to himself.
Shigezo Tachibana
A woman looks after her father in law.
人生劇場 青春・愛欲・残侠篇
Centred on Aonari Hyokichi, a young literary man with aspirations to become a writer, and the surrounding people, including Kira Tsuneo and Tobigashikaku.
Constable Tobei
Blind masseur and master swordsman Zatoichi finds a robbed and fatally wounded pregnant woman, whose baby he delivers before she dies. He takes the baby in search of its father and finds the child's aunt, who is about to be forced into prostitution for want of a payment the dead mother was bringing. Zatoichi determines to save the woman from her cruel fate.
喜劇 女は男のふるさとヨ
Comedy of an entertainment agent and strip-teasers.
男はつらいよ 純情篇
Kômon Mito
In the 9th year of Genroku, Mitsukuni Mito Komon of Hitachi Province set out on a pilgrimage to various countries with his reluctant vassals, Sukesaburo and Kakunosuke, under the name of Koemon, a retired peasant.
A Comedy: The University Around the Corner
Morita Tokunosuke
#13 in the Ekimae series of films. Set at Todai University, Professor Sakai (played by Frankie Sakai) mentors a group of university hopefuls. Cut to 25 years later, the students have each settled into their careers and cross paths with Professor Sakai's son, a P.E. teacher (also played by Sakai).
Kutaro Iwato
The 22nd film in the Shacho comedy series.
Could I But Live
Kôshirô Hidaka
The executive director of the «Chuo Shoji» company, Hidaka Shiro, is called a "demon of work", but the hostess of the bar calls him "the loneliest person in Japan." He lost his wife ten years ago and has been living as a widower ever since. He plotted to marry off his 22-year-old daughter Keiko for political gain, but Keiko is in love with Okuda, who is her father's subordinate. A story full of sadness and joy, depicting a man gripped by different thoughts, as an employee of the company and a father.
Shûe Matsubayashi movie
Nine maids serve the household of a writer and his wife. The couple treat their maids like daughters and marry them off to eligible men. So, they are forever looking for new maids. As the years go by maid servants become hired help and more bossy and independent, so Chikura and his wife find themselves adjusting their lives to keep up with changing times.
喜劇 とんかつ一代
Kyusaku Goi
不忍池近くの老舗のフレンチレストラン青龍軒を飛び出して、とんかつ屋「とんQ」を始めた久作は名人気質の頑固者。師匠だった伝次とは、伝次の妹と結婚したこともあって犬猿の仲。伝次の息子・伸一はコック修行を投げ出して、久作のところに入り浸り、とり子とイチャイチャ。そして、伝次の後妻の連れ子・復二は未来食クロレラの研究に熱中していた。そんな中、青龍軒が経営不振で人手に渡ることに… 個性あふれる人物たちが織りなす、ユーモアとペーソスの大型喜劇。
忠臣蔵 花の巻・雪の巻
The story tells of a group of samurai who were left leaderless (becoming ronin) after their daimyo (feudal lord) was forced to commit seppuku (ritual suicide) for assaulting a court official named Kira Yoshinaka, whose title was Kōzuke no suke. The ronin avenged their master's honor after patiently waiting and planning for over a year to kill Kira. In turn, the ronin were themselves forced to commit seppuku for committing the crime of murder.
喜劇 団地親分
Takeo Aihara
A country boss gives up his way of life because of his daughter's marriage.
Isomura Eiichirou
Japanese soldiers stranded in Manokwari, New Guinea, improvise a theater play to keep their spirits up and endure the extremely difficult conditions.
喜劇 駅前団地
Kintaro Togura
Follow-up to "Ekimae Ryokan." Set around the Yurigaoka and Nishi-Ikuta stations on the Odakyu-Odawara line, the film takes up the problem of real estate around the expanding Yurigaoka apartments.
続 サラリーマン忠臣蔵
Shogo Aikawa
In Meiji era Japan a sixth grade boy is smart, likable and confident and owing to his academic success liked by his teacher. Things are not going well at home, however, where his father does not work leaving the mother to toil . With the boy's family having no money he cannot progress his education and has to drop out of school. A neighbour, who is a bookstore owner, offers the family money to allow the boy to continue his schooling, but the father is too proud to accept and rebuffs the offer forcing the boy to work.
A semi-documentary story about the vicissitudes in the life of an elderly fisherman.
Hikohachi Mukoyama
A kind of modern dress "Donzoko" "The Lower Depths", about slum life in Osaka, where a greedy widow (Mimasu) takes advantage of her poor roomers, including her own son, who makes a meagre living stripping taxicabs.
A skilled country doctor's talents are such that he can even perform operations as difficult and novel as removing a patient's kidney for the first time in Japan. Unfortunately for him, however, his wife's addiction to gambling is of such a magnitude that he is down to selling his underwear to make money. The image sticks and he becomes known as the 'underwear doctor.' On the other hand, his successful surgery's patient is so grateful he himself wants to become a physician.
長谷川伸の股旅小説「勘パの勘ちゃん」の映画化で、「血斗水滸伝 怒涛の対決」の高岩肇が脚色、「愛の鐘」の久松静児が監督した時代喜劇。撮影は「カックン超特急」の杉本正二郎。
7th film in the President series and the first entry in color.
Navy Captain Prince Tamehisa
Comedy about three soldiers, two female reporters, six prostitutes, and the wife of an officer, all stranded on a South Seas island at the end of World War II.
Fifth entry in the Company President Series.
Jinsei Gekijo
1958 Theater of Life adaptation.
The Undefeated Woman
眠狂四郎無頼控 魔剣地獄
Historical drama about a sleepy-eyed ronin.
Narrator (voice)
Xu-Xian / Fa-Hai / Panda / Dragon King / Catfish King
Mr. Kawahara
Jihei Ikuno
A longtime hotel employee (Morishige) struggles to bring his old-fashioned ryokan in line with postwar Japanese business practices.
Half a Loaf... Avarice / Yoku
Based on the novel by Toyoko Yamazaki.
Keitaro Asakawa
The fourth entry in the Company President Series
Comedy based on the writings of Ango Sakaguchi.
A study of uneasy relationships among the inhabitants of a tiny rural community.
It's a man's world. Shimamura, an artist, comes to this snowbound town to rejuvenate himself. He connects with Komako, a geisha he met on a previous trip, and it seems like love. She's the foster daughter of a local family, almost engaged to the family's son Yukio, now dying of consumption. He's tended by his sister Yuko who's angry at Komako for abandoning her brother. Shimamura returns to Tokyo but promises he will be back soon. In anticipation of his return, Komako breaks with her patron and her family loses their home. Complications arise when Shimamura doesn't come back as promised. Then Komako discovers that he and Yuko knew each other in Tokyo. Can Komako escape destiny?
Shozo is plagued by the needs of his ex-wife and his current one, but prefers the company of his cat.
The third instalment in the Shacho Series.
続 へそくり社長
Zennosuke Tashiro
The president learns that the company's biggest stockholder is also a friend of his singing teacher and spies on his movements.
Chief editor Shirou Kanzaka (Hisaya Morishige) of Sankei Publishing Inc. is being tried for embezzlement and the staging of Chiyo Umehara's suicide. The victim is a woman who's said to have had sexual relations with the defendant. Four intertwined witnesses; a critic, Shirou's employee, a singer, and his wife, are all called to the stand. His destiny now lies in their hands.
Japanese comedy film.
Zennosuke Tashiro
A new third-class president wins an appointment thanks to his marriage with the former president's daughter.
Japanese drama film.
Narrator (voice)
In the thriving Tokyo neighborhood of Ginza, a woman in the process of selling her estranged husband’s art collection attempts to identify the man who painted her own portrait fifteen years prior.
The story of a couple, a spoiled son and a down-to-earth girl, in Osaka in the early Showa era. The film won the prestigious Blue Ribbon awards for best director, best actor (Morishige) and best actress (Awashima), and the Mainichi Concours award for best actor and best screenplay (Yasumi Toshio). It ranked second (after Naruse Mikio’s Ukigumo) on the Kinema Junpō top ten films for the year.
Scammer Horikawa Shinbei hopes to make a quick buck using Namie, a stripper under his control.
Based on the play ”Mabuta no haha” by famed author Shin Hasegawa, this is the first major starring role for Tomisaburo Wakayama. This heartfelt story concerns a wandering gambler from Banba by the name of Chutaro. Set during the Tenpo Period, Chutaro runs afoul of Boss Sukegoro of Iioka. Pursued by vengeance seeking swordsmen, Chutaro displays his phenomenal martial art skills. Abandoned as a child, he seeks to find his long lost mother, while at the same time fighting off numerous attacks by Iioka’s men.
Patrolman Yoshii
Lending money, job hunting for civilians and babysitting. All these things are usually not listed on a policeman's job description. But for the officers of this local police station, it‘s part of their daily routine. One day, patrolman Yoshii (Hisaya Morishige) finds an abandoned baby and a six year old girl standing in front of the station. When he's declined by the welfare office, orphanage and local health clinic to take them in, he decides to take care of them himself.
Shigemori Shigeo
Movie version of NHK renzoku drama "Tokyo Romance"
Mako Osorubeshi
次郎長三国志 第八部 海道一の暴れん坊
A legendary gangster raises himself out of a small town and gathers followers on his rise to power.
次郎長三国志 第六部 旅がらす次郎長一家
A wandering Jirocho stumbles upon his wife's possible murder and has other adventures while on the run.
次郎長三国志 第五部 殴込み甲州路
Jirocho and his followers chase the Kurokomas into the Kai Province.
Mr. Maki
A human billboard and a shoeshine girl met a kid of five who got separated from her mother at a street of Ginza. They try to find a mother in a crowded town...
次郎長三国志 第四部 勢揃い清水港
1953 Toho adaptation of Natsume's novel.
次郎長三国志 第三部 次郎長と石松
Kingoro Yanagiya's 100th film.
次郎長三国志 第二部 次郎長初旅
Jirocho the gambler hits the road.
Following the Second World War, the lives of various people in a poverty-stricken area of Tokyo are entertwined. Pachinko parlor girls, shoeshine boys, a maker of costume jewelry, and a streetcorner artist all struggle to make their livings and to find happiness in difficult surroundings.
Third Class Executives
Personnel Chief
1950s Japanese comedy.
Ichiro Okamura
In pre-war Shanghai, a man falls in love with a mysterious woman, but she eventually disappears. Back in Japan, he is obsessed by her memory and tries to recreate the world he knew then.
"My mother is Japanese, a drifting diva of Tokyo" After the death of her father Reika goes to Japan to visit her mother, but can't find her, so she starts performing at a cabaret in Yokohama. Her mother, already settled, found about Reika's whereabouts, but won't acknowledge her daughter for fear of loosing her current status.
War film by Kon Ichikawa
新遊侠伝 遊侠往来
Japanese comedy film.