Les Dustbins


Jean-Michel Jarre: The Rise of Electronic Music
Jean-Michel Jarre is one of the pioneers of electronic music. He is a composer, performer, songwriter, and producer whose pioneering approach to electronic music and live performance has influenced a generation. The emergence of the album "E-Project"is album is the focus of the documentary "A Journey Into Sound" by Birgit Herdlitschke. The film also airs the secret of success of Jean-Michel Jarre. With material from private and public archives, the film looks back on his youth, the first experiments with electronic music and his relationship with his famous father Maurice Jarre (composer of soundtrack for "Lawrence of Arabia", "Doctor Zhivago").
Boys and Girls
L'orchestre de la surprise-partie
Ten young people (six boys and four girls), most of whom students, rent a house in bad repair and set about living together. The experience is not obvious and the ten tenants have to cope with more than one difficulty. But they also have their moments. Things really go awry when Françoise, an unmarried girl, is forced to deliver the baby she carries prematurely and when Solange, the lonely girl of the group, attempts suicide. Shortly afterwards, the group learns that the house is due for demolition. They decide to take advantage of this opportunity to face adult life individually.