Prosthetic Makeup Artist
The quiet Rose works in women's fashion clothing, hoping to be a designer. A traffic accident damages her face. She gets experimental stem cell treatment, leaving her stronger and prettier than ever - but there's a side effect.
Prosthetic Makeup Artist
Prosthetic Makeup Artist
Special Effects
A loving father finds a clown suit for his son's birthday party, only to realize the suit is part of an evil curse that turns its wearer into a killer.
Special Effects Makeup Artist
8歳の誕生日を迎える少女ヘザーは『サイレントヒル』と言う街の悪夢に悩まされながら、父親ハリーと共に各地を転々とし逃げるような生活を続けてきた。 新しい学校への初登校の日、ヘザーは探偵を名乗る男ダグラスから「教団に居場所を教えてしまった。逃げろ。」と警告を受ける。直後にダグラスは殺され、ハリーも「サイレントヒルに来い」との血文字を残し行方不明となる。 ヘザーはハリーを助ける為、同じく転校生の少年ヴィンセントと共に呪われた街サイレントヒルへ向かうのだった。
Prosthetic Makeup Artist
Prosthetic Makeup Artist
T-ウイルスは世界中に蔓延し、遂に東京でも感染者が出た。そして、世界滅亡のカウントダウンが始まった。それから4年後。アンブレラ社は東京、渋谷の地下に巨大要塞を築き、アルバート・ウェスカー議長の指示の下で実験を繰り返していた。その地下要塞を、アリスが自身のクローンたちと共に襲撃。地下要塞は壊滅的なダメージを受ける。 ウェスカーは地下要塞をあっさり見限り飛行機で一人逃亡、予め仕掛けていた特殊爆弾[4]を爆破する。クローンアリスもろとも東京は地下要塞ごと壊滅した。 ウェスカーは勝利を確信するが、オリジナルのアリスは生き延びてウェスカーと同じ飛行機の中にいた。アリスはウェスカーを追い詰めるが、不意打ちを受けて取り逃がしてしまう。
Creature Effects Technical Director
Jared Martin moves next door to the Hansetts, along with his hot motorcycle and eerie, ill-tempered dog. Although everyone else in the neighborhood takes an instant liking to him, Loren Hansett can't get over the bad vibes her new neighbor gives her. She starts to spy on his nocturnal activities and comes to believe that a recent killing might the work of a werewolf who happens to be her new neighbor. Her internet surfing provides a lot of collaborative detail but everyone but her friend Steven dismiss her story as teen-aged fantasy. Fearing for her life, she convinces Steven to take her to a gun shop to buy silver bullets in a gun shop, where their neighbor's supernatural dog attacks. When she dispatches the beast, her actions get the attention of Redd Tucker, a washed-up TV hunting show host to believe her as well. When Steven is attacked by the werewolf and Loren's brother goes missing, she and Redd team up to kill the lycanthrope before he can finish them both off.
Special Effects Makeup Artist
Jared Martin moves next door to the Hansetts, along with his hot motorcycle and eerie, ill-tempered dog. Although everyone else in the neighborhood takes an instant liking to him, Loren Hansett can't get over the bad vibes her new neighbor gives her. She starts to spy on his nocturnal activities and comes to believe that a recent killing might the work of a werewolf who happens to be her new neighbor. Her internet surfing provides a lot of collaborative detail but everyone but her friend Steven dismiss her story as teen-aged fantasy. Fearing for her life, she convinces Steven to take her to a gun shop to buy silver bullets in a gun shop, where their neighbor's supernatural dog attacks. When she dispatches the beast, her actions get the attention of Redd Tucker, a washed-up TV hunting show host to believe her as well. When Steven is attacked by the werewolf and Loren's brother goes missing, she and Redd team up to kill the lycanthrope before he can finish them both off.