Hidetoshi Kadono


Negative Cutter
Chibi Maruko chan is the nickname of a sweetly obnoxious 9-year-old girl. She tricks her grandfather, ponders for hours over how to spend her allowance, and hates sitting next to ugly boys. She talks, feels and lives just as real kids do. As the second term commences, Maruko and her classmates return to their small groups. Maruko’s group includes two naughty boys and Maruko is forced to be one of their subordinates. She seems to face a lot of pressure at school.
Negative Cutter
『翔んだカップル』『特命係長・只野仁』などで有名な漫画家・柳沢きみおの青年コミックのOVA化。  高校三年生・海津龍一。彼は胸中で、『罪と罰』作中の富豪にして悪漢スヴィドリガイロフを信奉する、選民主義者だった。クールでプレイボーイの龍一は見栄えの良い外見を活用し、病院長の娘を攻略。その後に相手の弱みにつけこんで手切れ金・一千万円を要求した。金と出世と女を手玉に取る生き方を突き進む龍一だが、その先に待つ運命とは?  1990年代の実写映画や実写ビデオ作品に携わった製作会社・日映エージェンシーが企画製作したOVAの一本で、監督には『宇宙戦艦ヤマト』『メガゾーン23』の石黒昇が就任。アニメの実製作も石黒率いる製作会社アートランドが主体となっている。脚本は実写特撮番組『禁じられたマリコ』『仮面ライダーブレイド』などの今井詔二。
Anime adaptation of the classic Grimm fairy tale involves Snow White fleeing the Evil Queen with the help of a friend. She stays in a cottage with seven dwarfs while the friend tries to find her before the Queen does.
サンゴ礁伝説 青い海のエルフィ
In the future, the oceans have risen to flood all the continents due to humanity's negligence of the environment. Only a few bits of land have been spared, and one of those is the city-island where Elfie lives with her grandfather. One day, due to an underwater incident, she discovers that she can breathe underwater. Her grandfather reveals that in truth she is one of the mythical sea-people. Using the city folk's xenophobia, local politicians spark a war with this hidden people to distract people from their current resource problems, and Elfie is caught in the middle of it.
Dogtanian Special
France, 17th century, under the reign of Louis XIII. Dogtanian is an impetuous and innocent peasant from Gascony, as well as a skilled swordsman, who travels to Paris with the purpose of making his dream come true: to join the Corps of Muskehounds of the Royal Guard. (Edited version of the 1981 animated television series Dogtanian an the Three Muskehounds.)