Rick Dano

Rick Dano


Rick Dano


When a woman's teenage daughter becomes internet famous, she becomes worried about the amount of attention her daughter is receiving. Her fears prove justified when she realizes someone is stalking her daughter.
S.W.A.T. Driver
ロサンゼルスのオフィスビルにあるエレベーターに爆弾が仕掛けられ、乗客達が閉じ込められる事件が発生。ロサンゼルス市警察SWAT隊員であるジャック・トラヴェンはマクマホン分隊長や同僚のハリー達と共に爆弾を排除、乗客達を救出。さらに身代金を要求してきた犯人のハワード・ペインを追い詰めるがもう一息のところで逃げられる。 ペインは元アトランタ警察爆発物処理班員で、処理中の爆発事故により左手親指を失う障害を負って退職せざるを得なくなったが「命がけで何十年も働いてきたのに、警察当局は退職記念の金時計と障害年金を寄越しただけで、他に何も補償してくれない」と逆恨み、警察に挑戦を始めた。 逃げおおせたペインは路線バスに爆弾を仕掛け、ジャックに対応させるよう仕向ける。信管は速度測定系に連動、バスの速度が一度でも時速50マイル(約80Km)を越えると安全装置が解除され、更に、速度がこれを下回ると爆発する。爆破を阻止するために標的となったバスを止めて飛び乗ったジャックだったが、不法滞在している自分を追ってきたと思い込んだ乗客の一人が誤って発砲し、運転手(サム)が負傷。スピード違反で免停中のためバス通勤していた若い女性、アニーがハンドルを任された。
Round Numbers
A housewife who despises society's obsession with health and looks suspects her husband of cheating on her with a hot model in a local health spa. She decides to infiltrate the spa, find the woman and get her revenge. But is it that simple?
Flight of the Intruder
Fighter Pilot Drunk
U.S. Navy pilot Lt. Jake Grafton and his bombardier buddy, Lt. Cmdr. Virgil Cole, are two soldiers embedded in the Vietnam War growing frustrated by the military's constraints on their missions. Despite the best efforts of their commanding officer, Cmdr. Frank Camparelli, to re-engage them, this disillusioned pair decide to take the war effort into their own hands with an explosive battle plan that could well get them court-martialed.
Into the Homeland
Undercover Officer
A man's daughter disappears after falling in love with the son of a right wing, white-supremacist terrorist organization.
Miracle on Ice
Dave Silk
The story of the 1980 United States Olympic hockey players, a group of amateurs from around the country who were whipped into a cohesive unit by controversial coach Herb Brooks to win a gold medal at Lake Placid during the winter games.
Big Wednesday
Three 1960s California surfers fool around, drift apart and reunite years later to ride epic waves.
Nowhere to Hide
A special unit of the U.S. Marshal's Service is assigned to protect a syndicate hitman who is to testify against his former bosses, who have put out a contract on his life.
The Wild Party
Party Guest
An aging silent movie comic star throws a lavish party to try and save his failing career.