Enrico Priori


Talent Agency
Assistant Camera
James, an unscrupulous director, and George are the joint owners of a film studio. One morning, the corpse of a messenger boy is found by a cleaning lady, but the identity of the youth's killer remains a mystery. Gloria, a stunning actress who is seeing George, rejects unwelcome advances from James. Determined to get the attractive actress into bed, James reveals that he has video footage which shows her killing the messenger. It emerges that she murdered the young man after he tried to sexually assault her. However, there is a twist...
Bridge to Hell
Assistant Camera
When three prisoners of war escape from a prison camp in Yugoslavia they encounter partisans, who they agree to help fight in return for a safe passage to freedom. Their task is to blow up a strategic bridge which is heavily defended by German troops. Follow the action, frought with danger as our heroes complete their mission to destroy... the bridge to hell.
Assistant Camera
The perversion behind imperial Rome, the epic story of Rome's mad Emporer. All the details of his cruel, bizarre reign are revealed right here: His unholy sexual passion for his sister, his marriage to Rome's most infamous prostitute, his fiendishly inventive means of disposing those who would oppose him, and more.
The Inglorious Bastards
Assistant Camera
Set in Europe during WWII, a group of American soldiers on their way to military prison are beset upon by a German artillery attack, escaping with Switzerland in their sights. Before making it any farther, they volunteer to steal a V2 warhead for the French Underground - taking them deep into the heart of German territory.
Strange Occasion
Assistant Camera
Three sexy and comic episodes.
Italy is Rotten
Assistant Camera
Two Sicilian's, Peppe Truzzoliti and Antonio Mancuso, decide, after a misadventure with some mafia drug dealers, to leave the cold and racist Turin to return to their native land. Along for the ride with them is Domenica, a beautiful girl from Veneto, who had arrived in Turin in search of work, but due to a number of setbacks, had been forced into prostitution.
Bread and Chocolate
First Assistant Camera
An Italian immigrant tries to make a new life in Switzerland, taking on a series of increasingly menial jobs in order to do it. He attempts to fit into his new home and society but fails at every turn. Unable to go home again, will his tenacity and optimism be enough to live on?
Two Sons of Trinity
Assistant Camera
Franco and Ciccio are two cousins ​​who, in the old West, have opened a service station, where they carry out the washing and drying of the horses and a bar service for the passing riders. One day a stranger saves them from an attempted robbery against them: the girl introduces herself as Calamity Jane, as well as Franco and Ciccio's aunt.
I due pezzi da 90
Assistant Camera
Franco and Ciccio are forced to abandon their sausage factory to reach the godfather of Franco: Nico Cavallaro. The two do not know that this is a smuggler of drugs and that you want to serve them to transport the goods.
I due della F. 1 alla corsa più pazza, pazza del mondo
Assistant Camera
Two chaps who earn a living repairing household appliances are hired by a formula one manager who has had his best pilot kidnapped. One of them drives the car which is remote controlled by a device invented by the other.
Divorzio alla siciliana
Assistant Camera
He Who Hesitates Is Lost
Assistant Camera
After their boss' death, two clerks eagerly await the arrival of the next one, each one of them hoping to become the apple of his eye. They compete in every possible way to impress him, which causes lots of trouble and many misunderstandings.