Fabien Beziat


Nous paysans
In barely a century, French peasants have seen their world profoundly turned upside down. While they once made up the vast majority of the country, today they are only a tiny minority and are faced with an immense challenge: to continue to feed France. From the figure of the simple tenant farmer described by Emile Guillaumin at the beginning of the 20th century to the heavy toll paid by peasants during the Great War, from the beginnings of mechanization in the inter-war period to the ambivalent figure of the peasant under the Occupation, From the unbridled race to industrialization in post-war France to the realization that it is now necessary to rethink the agricultural model and invent the agriculture of tomorrow, the film looks back at the long march of French peasants.
Les trésors de Marcel Pagnol
L'Épopée des gueules noires
Une vie après la mine
Women at War (1939-1945)
Women at War 1914-1918
Trace the overlapping journeys of exceptional women swept up in World War I and hear their tales of bravery on history's front lines
Women at War 1914-1918
Trace the overlapping journeys of exceptional women swept up in World War I and hear their tales of bravery on history's front lines
Paris, années folles
Louis Renault et André Citroën : la course du siècle