Rose Verçosa


As Polacas
Makeup & Hair
Teen's Confessions
Makeup Artist
Four sisters work together to raise rent money after learning they have to move to another neighborhood in this coming-of-age drama based on the series.
Golden Oldies 2
Makeup Artist
The heroes of Golden Oldies 1— Juca, PR, and Montanha — are back, following different routes. Montanha lives in an old mansion and gets ready to reunite with his friends. Once together again, the three friends get into hilarious situations.
Makeup Artist
Following a newspaper ad, ordinary women tell part of their life stories to director Eduardo Coutinho, which are then re-enacted by actresses, blurring the barriers between truth, fiction and interpretation.
Razor in the Flesh
Makeup Artist
Neusa Suely, a prostitute, is accused by her pimp Vado of stealing his money. To get rid of the accusations, she blames her neighbour, Veludo. The three characters then start to live a small tragedy set in the underground Rio de Janeiro scene.