Rasmus Hardiker

Rasmus Hardiker


Rasmus Hardiker


Alfur Aldric (voice)
When Hilda wakes up in the body of a troll, she must use her wits and courage to get back home, become human again — and save the city of Trolberg.
ロイヤルコーギー レックスの大冒険
Boxer / Chihuahua / Young Rex (voice)
Thomas & Friends: Big World! Big Adventures! The Movie
Bill / Philip (voice)
Thomas leaves Sodor to fulfil his dream of seeing the world. This heroic quest takes Thomas across deserts, through jungles and over dangerous mountains as he travels across five continents seeing sights he has never seen before.
A Wizard's Tale
Balloon Herald 1 / Prince Charming (voice)
Balloon kingdoms, dopey police dragons and happy wizards are exactly how Terry remembered his Grandmother's whacky fairy tales. Except they are real and it's definitely not as 'cheerful.'
On Chesil Beach
Waiter Two
In 1962 England, a young couple finds their idyllic romance colliding with issues of sexual freedom and societal pressure, leading to an awkward and fateful wedding night.
Thomas & Friends: Christmas on Sodor
Enjoy a true-blue Christmas with Thomas & Friends! Terence takes a shortcut across a frozen lake while collecting Christmas trees for the holiday market. Disaster strikes as the ice begins to crack, leaving Terence nervously waiting to be rescued! Meanwhile, Daisy is sad when Christmas doesn't go as planned, and Spencer and Gordon upset their passengers when their competitive behavior gets out of hand. Poor Emily gets stuck in the middle while helping bickering brothers Donald and Douglas, and when a big freeze hits Sodor, Diesel finally proves himself to be a hero. Warm up this Christmas with Thomas and his friends!
The Little Vampire 3D
Rudolph Sackville-Bagg / Gregory Sackville-Bagg (voice)
Tony, a thirteen-year-old boy on vacation in rural Germany, is fascinated by the idea of vampires. Meanwhile Rudolph, a vampire of "similar" age (313!), encounters trouble when his clan is threatened by a dangerously obsessed hunter. Fate brings these two boys together, as Tony & Rudolph set off an action-packed battle to stop the villain, save Rudolph's family and learn the power of friendship.
きかんしゃトーマス とびだせ!友情の大冒険
Philip (voice)
ある日、メインランドへ貨物列車を運んでいたヘンリーがソドー島で脱線事故を起こす。自分が一番大切な機関車だと自惚れるジェームスに腹を立てていたトーマスは、ジェームスが代わりに牽く予定だったヘンリーの貨物列車を牽いてメインランドの町ブリドリントンへ向かう。 しかしメインランドは広大でトーマスは道に迷い、やがて石炭を使い果たす。補給所を探していたところ、セオとレキシーという実験用機関車がいる場所へたどり着く。石炭を補給し再出発すると、キラキラと光り輝く建物が現れる。中に入るとそこは製鉄所で、フランキーとハリケーンという2台の機関車がトーマスを歓迎する。貨物列車をブリドリントンへ届ける仕事はハリケーンが引き継ぎ、トーマスは製鉄所で一夜を明かしたが、翌日から2台の態度が一変し、トーマスは仕事を引継いだハリケーンへの恩返しとして製鉄所で働かされることとなった。ある晩トーマスは製鉄所から脱出することに成功し、実験用機関車がいる場所へ戻る。一方、ジェームスはソドー島へ戻らないトーマスを探しに向かうが、道中で偶然出会ったフランキー達に製鉄所へ連れて行かれる。それを目撃したトーマスはジェームスもそこで働かせられると思い、実験用機関車達と力を合わせてジェームスの救出作戦を実行する。
Thomas & Friends: Extraordinary Engines
Philip (voice)
Excitement spreads across Sodor with the arrival of a new and unusual engine. Worrying they'll be replaced by the fast and modern Hugo; the engines fail to be good friends by not making him feel welcome. When they stop to listen, they realize that Hugo is a very special engine who truly belongs on the rails. Elsewhere things get spooky when the engines see a ghost train and Percy goes on a troll hunt. Skiff takes Sir Topham Hatt on a wild ride in search of a mermaid, Hugo dreams of taking to the skies and Judy and Jerome learn what it takes to feel really useful again. Discover the wonders of dreaming big and join Thomas & Friends in 6 unique adventures!
Let's Play Nomad X
Patrick (Voice)
In a YouTube review of his favorite video game, a man tells a story of heartbreak amongst the hints and tips on game-play...   The film is a three minute parody of the 'Let's Play...' YouTube video. The film uses 3D CGI to emulate the simple geometry and low resolution textures of a 90's video game as well as representing the narrators interior world as an 8 bit polygonal psychological landscape.
きかんしゃトーマス 走れ!世界のなかまたち
Philip (voice)
Peter & Wendy
Lucy is a young girl admitted to Great Ormond Street with a heart condition. Whilst there she makes a connection with JM Barrie's classic story of Peter Pan and is soon whisked away to her own Neverland
Japanese Doctor Who
Found a clip on old video tape 1970's? 80's?...like a Japanese version Doctor Who. Anyone?
ロード・オブ・クエスト ドラゴンとユニコーンの剣
A feuding double act try to make it in the cut-throat world of stand-up comedy.
Comic Book Fan 1
A romantic comedy set in the world of battle re-enactments, about an irresponsible guy who has to shape up in order to win back his wife.
Dwight White
A pair of rivaling stage magicians are forced to confront their falling out over a guillotine mishap when they compete in a magic competition.
I Want Candy
Two hopeful lads from Leatherhead trying to break into the movies stumble upon the opportunity of a lifetime. Frustrated by their arty film teacher, wannabe producer Joe and his talented but neurotic director friend Baggy head to London to sell what they know is a script made of gold.
Starter for 10
University Challenge Competitor
In 1985, against the backdrop of Thatcherism, Brian Jackson enrolls in the University of Bristol, a scholarship boy from seaside Essex with a love of knowledge for its own sake and a childhood spent watching University Challenge, a college quiz show. At Bristol he tries out for the Challenge team and falls under the spell of Alice, a lovely blond with an extensive sexual past.