Tim Murray


引退したヘアメイクドレッサーが亡き親友に最後のメイクを施すための旅を、実在の人物をモデルに描いたロードムービー。 かつてヘアメイクドレッサーとして活躍した「ミスター・パット」ことパトリック・ピッツェンバーガー。ゲイとして生きてきた彼は、最愛のパートナーであるデビッドを早くにエイズで亡くし、現在は老人ホームでひっそりと暮らしている。そんなパットのもとに、思わぬ依頼が届く。それは元顧客で親友でもあったリタの遺言で、彼女に死化粧を施してほしいというものだった。リタのもとへ向かう旅の中で、すっかり忘れていた仕事への情熱や、わだかまりを残したまま他界したリタへの複雑な感情、そして自身の過去と現在についてなど、様々な思いを巡らせるパットだったが……。
Kurt Weill: Street Scene
The main plot of this rampant collection of scenes from the streets of the lower East Side of New York revolves around Frank and Anna Maurrant and their daughter Rose. A violent and tough character, Frank fails to see his wife’s growing despair due to his lack of affection. When he discovers her with her lover, he shots them both and goes to jail, leaving behind a heartbroken Rose who, after having experienced relentless harassment by two aggressive suitors, misses her one true chance at love. The opera ends by showing the streets of New York City moving on from these mundane events in total indifference.
Razor Sharpe
With dreams of becoming the next big action film hero, struggling actor Razor Sharpe (director Troy N. Ashford) takes a bit part in a movie with a bank robbery scene, only to discover that the heist is real -- and that he's been set up to be the fall guy. Now wanted by the law, the hunky hero sets out on a journey filled with nonstop martial arts mayhem to find the crooks who framed him. Michael Smalls and Kevin Kilgore co-star.
Technical Advisor
Three young brothers are terrorized by an evil clown.