Location Manager
News producer, Tim O'Hara gets himself fired for unwillingly compromising his bosses' daughter during a live transmission. A little later, he witnesses the crashing of a small Martian spacecraft, realizing his one-time chance of delivering a story that will rock the earth. Since Tim took the original but scaled-down spaceship with him, the Martian follows him to retrieve it.
Location Manager
ヒット・メーカー、ロバート・ゼメキス監督による、SFX満載の超娯楽作! アカデミー賞女優、メリル・ストリープとゴールディ・ホーンが、どん欲で虚栄心の強い、セクシーでふしだらな熟女を熱演。この2人の女たちの間で翻弄される中年男アーネスト役にブルース・ウィリス。イザベラ・ロッセリーニ演じる魅惑的な謎の美女がマデリーン(メリル・ストリープ)とヘレン(ゴールディ・ホーン)に差し出した液体は、なんと若く美しいまま永遠に生き続けられるという念願の秘薬だった! 最先端の特撮技術を駆使した究極のブラック・コメディ決定版!!
Location Manager
Jim Bakker establishes a large televangelical empire in the 1980s, including Heritage Village. However, they are removed from P.T.L, the ministry that they had established in 1987.
Location Manager
After being away for awhile, Andy Taylor returns home to Mayberry to visit Opie, now an expectant father. While there he ends up helping Barney Fife mount a campaign for sheriff.
Location Manager
Location Manager
At Frank Yost's Good Possibilities, a state-of-the-art videotaping dating service, various clients have misadventures while trying to find the right person to be with.