Hideki Shishido

出生 : 1974-01-25,


ウエディングプランナーとして仕事が充実している一方で、プライベートでは恋愛に奥手な輪花(土屋太鳳)は、同僚から新しい出会いを薦められてマッチングアプリに登録する。ある男性とマッチングが成立し、やり取りが始まる。 新たな出会いに期待をして、初デートに向かう輪花。しかしそこに現れたのはプロフィールとは全くの別人だった…。見た目は平凡だが、どこか異様な雰囲気に違和感を感じる輪花。 時を同じくして、アプリ婚をした利用者を狙った連続殺人事件が起こる。出会った男が捜査線上に浮上するが、事件は意外な方向へと発展し、ついに魔の手は輪花にも迫るのだった…。
Love song
「れいこいるか」が映画雑誌「映画芸術」の選ぶ2020年日本映画ベストテン1位に選出されるなど高い評価を得たいまおかしんじ監督が、雨のキャンプ場を舞台に、両親の復縁を願う少女の気持ちを歌にのせて描いたミュージカル仕立ての短編作品。小学5年生の晴花は両親とキャンプ場にやってくるが、離婚間近の両親は険悪な雰囲気になってしまう。願い事がかなうという滝を目指し、ひとり森に出かけた晴花は、途中で出会った同い年の男の子・大地の道案内で滝にたどり着き、両親の仲直りを願う。その後、森の中で腹痛に襲われた晴花は倒れているところを発見されるが、そのことでまた両親が言い争いを始めてしまう。その様子を目にした晴花は、思わずその場を逃げ出すが……。主人公の晴花を、テレビ東京系「THE カラオケ★バトル」に出場してその歌声が注目を集め、ミニアルバムもリリースしている櫻井佑音が演じた。
人妻一番! 二人きりトゥナイト
Midsummer, a housewife in a rural town, was asked by a passing movie director, Wada, to "become an actress!" And made a big decision to move to Tokyo. On the other hand, Wada, who had forgotten about such a thing, read the script written by the unsold scriptwriter Ippei and supported it. Ippei is depressed. It was midsummer who visited there, but Wada, who was not in the corner of her memory, was not so happy, and midsummer who lost her place was living together for a while with Ippei and her acting special training and script cooperation of love affairs. To start. The two of them try to make Wada blow a bubble, but Ippei gets out of touch with the sex appeal of midsummer.
Todo, an old wealthy man, is fascinated by the appearance of Sayumi walking in the graveyard in midsummer, holding the urn of his late mother. Sayumi, who doesn't know her father, longs for Todo like her father and begins to love him as a man. One day, Sayumi, invited by Todo to visit the villa, finds a portrait of Kazumi, a girl with pigtails that looks exactly like her. And the relationship between Todo and Sayumi begins to go crazy in an unexpected direction due to an uninvited guest who arrives on a stormy night.
濡れた愛情 ふしだらに暖めて
Itsuka Matsuzaki (Ogura) walks through the night town dragging a metal bat Yuna). When she passed Sachiko Tsukishima (Touko Namiki) who was walking with her, she hit Hiromu Togashi (Noriaki Yoshida), who was walking with Chika Ashida (Naho Yamada), with a bat. However, she is defeated by the stun gun that Chika was carrying and one day she collapses on the street. The couple left. When Sachiko came up to her collapsed Itsuka, Sachiko looked at her. Sachiko brought her Someday back to her own home. For the time being, Sachiko makes her sleep on the sofa and drink water. When she finally stands up properly, she gives her name as Ai. She told Sachiko her own name, and when she was about to leave, she made her eat curry. Sachiko runs a snack bar with her husband, and she was experimenting with curry for the lunchtime menu she was thinking of starting.
An aimless college student comes upon the aftermath of a murder scene one night, and without thinking, grabs the titular weapon. He takes it home and keeps it safely hidden away, but curiosity gradually begins to consume him.