Emmanuel Buriez

Emmanuel Buriez


Emmanuel Buriez is a French filmmaker, director, producer, actor, fight choreographer and scriptwriter born in Haiti. Passionate by the cinema, he makes his first short film at the age of 13 years old. Full sportsman, musician and globe trotter, he is a complete artist. Its universe is varied, cosmopolitan and enchanting.


Emmanuel Buriez


A television journalist follow Paris firefighters. she's thus covers the everyday life of firefighters but also the major events and tragedies they are confronted.
Aldebaran Cataclysme
In a next future time... Many diseases found their cure ... Revolutionary technologies were created ... Humanity constantly threatened by any kind of danger could finally be saved ... But it was nothing ... Because in the past, in the present or in the future... War ... Successive wars, for ideologies, interests, religions, resources, territories ... never changed ... Until that fateful day ... That day or the first Earthian colony took the departure for the first time for another planet ... A planet almost similar to the earth, distant of several light years, the planet Aldebaran. New hope was born ... A new beginning for mankind ... A chance to start over ... But it wasn't ...
Aldebaran Cataclysme
In a next future time... Many diseases found their cure ... Revolutionary technologies were created ... Humanity constantly threatened by any kind of danger could finally be saved ... But it was nothing ... Because in the past, in the present or in the future... War ... Successive wars, for ideologies, interests, religions, resources, territories ... never changed ... Until that fateful day ... That day or the first Earthian colony took the departure for the first time for another planet ... A planet almost similar to the earth, distant of several light years, the planet Aldebaran. New hope was born ... A new beginning for mankind ... A chance to start over ... But it wasn't ...
バイオハザードIV アフターライフ
Zombie (uncredited)
T-ウイルスは世界中に蔓延し、遂に東京でも感染者が出た。そして、世界滅亡のカウントダウンが始まった。それから4年後。アンブレラ社は東京、渋谷の地下に巨大要塞を築き、アルバート・ウェスカー議長の指示の下で実験を繰り返していた。その地下要塞を、アリスが自身のクローンたちと共に襲撃。地下要塞は壊滅的なダメージを受ける。 ウェスカーは地下要塞をあっさり見限り飛行機で一人逃亡、予め仕掛けていた特殊爆弾[4]を爆破する。クローンアリスもろとも東京は地下要塞ごと壊滅した。 ウェスカーは勝利を確信するが、オリジナルのアリスは生き延びてウェスカーと同じ飛行機の中にいた。アリスはウェスカーを追い詰めるが、不意打ちを受けて取り逃がしてしまう。
The Flying guy
Hercules Dark Hero