Jonathan Higgins

Jonathan Higgins


Jonathan Higgins


ザ・ユナイテッド・ステイツ vs. ビリー・ホリデイ
Defense Lawyer Erlich
ビリー・ホリデーは、そのキャリアの大半をファンから慕われることに費やした。1940年代、政府は人種差別を助長するためにホリデイを標的にし、最終的には物議を醸したバラード "Strange Fruit "を歌わせないようにしようとした。
Undercover Grandpa
Jake's Dad
When the girl he likes goes missing, Jake enlists the help of his grandpa and Grandpa's former special ops buddies.
Dean Cromwell
1936年ナチス独裁政権下で開催されたベルリンオリンピックで史上初の4冠を達成したアメリカ人陸上競技選手ジェシー・オーエンスの半生を描く。貧しい家庭に生まれながら、陸上選手として中学時代から類いまれな才能を発揮していたジェシー・オーエンスは、オハイオ州立大学でコーチのラリー・スナイダーと出会い、オリンピックを目指して日々練習に励む。しかし、アメリカ国内では、ナチスに反対し、ベルリンオリンピックをボイコットする機運が高まっていた。そして黒人であるオーエンスにとって、ナチスによる人種差別政策は、当然容認できるものではなかった。オーエンス役を「グローリー 明日への行進」のステファン・ジェームス、コーチのスナイダー役を「モンスター上司」のジェイソン・サダイキスがそれぞれ演じ、オスカー俳優のジェレミー・アイアンズ、ウィリアム・ハートが脇を固める。監督は「プレデター2」のスティーブン・ホプキンス。
Violet's Victim
Set in the 1950s, a a group of young girls in upstate New York form their own gang.
Dr. Kohler
17歳の女子高生エリッサは母サラとともにシカゴから郊外の一軒家に引っ越して来る。その家は、4年前に隣家でキャリー・アンという少女が両親を惨殺した事件が起きたため、安く借りることができたのだ。問題の隣家には、今はキャリー・アンの兄で幼い頃から伯母に育てられていたライアンが1人で暮らしているが、ライアンは周囲から変人と見られ、孤立していた。 ある夜、ふとしたことからエリッサはライアンと知り合う。もの静かで音楽の趣味の合うライアンに惹かれたエリッサは、母サラの反対を無視して、ライアンと付き合うようになる。しかし、ライアンには秘密があった。実は4年前の事件後、失踪したことになっているキャリー・アンを密かに地下室に閉じ込め、面倒を見ていたのだ。キャリー・アンは幼い頃、ブランコから落ちて頭を打ったことから精神に異常を来すようになったのだが、その事故の原因が自分にあると思っているライアンは罪悪感からキャリー・アンを匿っていたのだ。ところがある夜、キャリー・アンが地下室から逃げ出す。ライアンは必死にキャリー・アンを取り押さえるが、はずみで彼女を死なせてしまう。ライアンはキャリー・アンの遺体を始末する。
Stealing Paradise
Kevin Maknassy
Amanda, a brilliant aeronautical engineer, is enraged when her breakthrough design is stolen and patented by her colleague Brendan. When he is found murdered, she becomes the prime suspect and soon finds she is not only fighting for her design - but fight for her life - as someone out there is determined to silence her protest for good.
St. Roz
Minnie Barr's weight-loss empire is booming in Hamilton. She has but one thorn in her side: her overweight daughter Judy. In a poor church near the steel mills, a corpulent altar girl discovers that she loses a pound whenever she lights a dollar candle before a recently delivered statue. Women swarm the church. One of them is Judy. Within weeks, St. Roz is an international star. And as Judy celebrates her new figure, her mother's world, along with the rest of the forty billion dollar weight loss industry lies in tatters. Powerful forces decide that the statue must disappear. Two gentle forces decide to save her.
True Confessions of a Hollywood Starlet
Mr. Sappey
When Hollywood starlet Morgan Carter passes out from alcohol poisoning on the red carpet of her movie premiere, she is whisked away to rehab, then sent to live with an aunt to complete her recovery in rural Indiana. There, she attends high school - changing her name and look to fit in-and live the life of a typical teenager, complete with the mysteries of geography, gym class, real friendship, love and jealousy.
XIII: The Movie
Calvin Wax
The House Sitter
Elise's dream to become a painter isn't going anywhere, so she eagerly accepts to house-sit the wealthy eccentric Frank's villa, while he is in Boston for business. A leaky pipe makes her call a plumber not from Frank's "call only" list, and she soon ends up sharing the bed with him, violating the "no guests" rule Frank set before leaving. Frank returns early from his trip... But not everything is what it seems and things get dicey for Elise and her friends.
Framed for Murder
When a woman falsely accused of murdering her husband is released from prison after 8 years, she hires a private investigator, determined to find out who framed her. What she doesn't know, is that the killer is about to do it again.
Embry Wallis
A biopic of 20-year-old Francis Ouimet who defeated his golfing idol and 1900 US Open Champion, Harry Vardon.
Martha behind Bars
John Cuti
Dramatized film of Martha Stewart's recent trial, and her subsequent five-month prison sentence.
Crimes of Passion
Jerry Dennings
While in competition for a job promotion, the female competitor sues her male counterpart for sexual harassment. Blackmail and murder follow closely behind.
A Different Loyalty
Colin Naylor
In January 1963, British journalist Leo Cauffield suddenly disappears from his home in Beirut. His wife Sally knew that he was working part-time for British intelligence, but was not prepared to be told by the British embassy that they suspect he has defected to Communist Russia. As his wife puts together the pieces of the mysterious jigsaw of the past, tracking her passionate relationship with her husband and his history as former head of MI6’s counter-espionage section, her relentless search for the truth takes her to London, New York and finally Moscow.
Harry Brewer
Lainie Wheeler has two daughters, but her husband leaves them for a Thai monastery. She completely neglects her job in TV production but finds a new vocation in nursing terminal patients, even after the death of her friend in that home. She also finds a new lover, Matt Harper, who is also great with her kids, but still gets addicted to pills, causes a major accident, loses custody and needs long-term institutionalized therapy. After her release, a friend gets her another job in TV production, which makes her meet baseball star Harry Brewer. When he proves adulterous and gets too intimate, she ends up murdering him. Detective Webster investigates..
The Crooked E: The Unshredded Truth About Enron
Greg McLainey
Brian Cruver, an ambitious 26-year-old lands a job at Enron. As he assimilates to the company's get-rich-quick mantra, spending sprees and wild corporate "gatherings" become the norm. But when Enron files for bankruptcy, Cruver discovers he's just a pawn in a failing game of corporate greed--one that made the rich richer...while the rest lost everything.
Lathe of Heaven
In a near future society a man claims that his dreams physically change reality. His therapist is confused at first but soon decides to use him for his own gain. The 2002 adaptation discards a significant portion of the original plot, some essential characters, and much of the philosophical underpinnings of the book and the original PBS production. Ursula K. Le Guin disapproved of the A&E production, and stated that she found it "misguided and uninteresting".
David Brewster
While doing a friend a favor and searching for a runaway teenager, a police detective stumbles upon a bizarre band of criminals about to pull off a bank robbery.
The Man Who Saved Christmas
Franklin Roosevelt
Alfred Carlton Gilbert invented the Erector Set and is trying to get it onto the toy shelves of the country. A.C. is startled to be summoned to the White House, where top officials ask him to convert the toy factory into a weapons manufacturing company for the duration of the war. "No" is really not an option, for fear of being labeled unpatriotic so the switch is made. Later, government officials ask A.C. to be their spokesman for a campaign to avoid "toy giving" for the coming holidays and buy war bonds instead. With a young son himself, who looks forward to Christmas like any other child, what will A.C. do this time?
The life of Bill "Bojangles" Robinson, African-American tap-dancing star of stage and screen. In 1916, Robinson was a successful vaudeville performer and considered the finest tap dancer of his generation. At the peak of his career, he was the highest paid Black entertainer, but for all the joy he gave others, his life was anything but happy, there was a great deal of tragedy in himself. He died broke and penniless.
Det. Rakowski
Bruiser is the story of a man who has always tried to fit in. He keeps his mouth shut, follows the rules, and does what he's supposed to do. But one morning, he wakes up to find his face is gone. All the years of acquiescence have cost him the one thing he can't replace: his identity. Now he's a blank, outside as well as in, an anonymous, featureless phantom. Bent on exacting revenge, he explodes. He isn't going to follow the rules anymore.
Officer Mitchell