Sayavush Karimi

Sayavush Karimi


Sayavush Karimi


Dance of Good and Evil
Before his death, the jeweler wrote a will in which he mentioned the famous diamond "Abbas Shah." But when the heirs discovered his personal safe, the diamond was not there. Without hesitation, they turned for help to the detective Drongo, who, as everyone knows, is able to unravel the most mysterious thing. The detective immediately established a circle of suspects and began to screen out those who had an iron alibi. But suddenly his list began to decline for a completely different reason - someone began to kill the suspects one by one...
İlahi məxluq
The film is about a family of shepherds who keep animals in the Caucasus mountains. The sudden arrival of autumn, the snowfall in the mountains, the closure of the migration route put the shepherd in a difficult situation. Realizing that he would not be able to move back all his animals, he leaves his 14-year-old son behind. The teenager has to protect himself and his animals from both the snowstorm and the wolves that attack the village. The baby lamb given to him by his uncle and a picture magazine given by a young artist girl traveling to the mountains provide the only moral support to the lonely child.
Good Bye, Southern City
The film takes place in the Azerbaijani capital of Baku at the end of the 1980s. At this time, the Soviet Union was starting to fall apart, and with this came the start of a number of ethnic conflicts. Fariz and his family move into a Baku apartment block from war-torn Nagorno-Karabakh. Fariz's relations with his new neighbors are strained by his accusations that it was people like them who failed to support the Azeris in their conflict with ethnic Armenians. The only one who stands up to him is Alik, who acts as peacemaker between him and the older inhabitants of the building. Alik has no reservations about brandishing his gun in order to keep the peace. One day, the apartment managers want to evict a number of musicians who have been squatting in the basement. Alik gets involved, but soon discovers the situation is more complicated that he first believed.
The Hostage
During the late 1980s and early 1990s the Armenian minority in Nagorono-Karabakh attempted to break away from Azerbaijan, one of the former Soviet republics. Overnight these former neighbors became enemies, and simple village folk were suddenly made hostages in a complex power game. One of the Azerbaijani villages right on the border is home to the family of the peasant farmer Kerim, who has just been captured by the Armenians. The village council decides to take an Armenian in order to arrange a hostage exchange. They imprison the wounded man in the barn next to Kerim's house, where his wife and three children desperately await the husband's return. The captive from the other side of the border finds himself in exactly the same situation - he, too, has three children, he finds it hard to scrape a living together, he has never done anything to harm anyone and, like Kerim, he just wants to go back home. But life in Karabakh is far more complex now. Blood calls for blood.
The Family
January 1990, Baku. The Soviet Union hasn't collapsed yet. Around 300 thousand Azeri have been forsed out from their homes in Armenia and Daghlig Garabagh. Rallies of protest, political meetings spring up in Baku. The old patriarch, Ismail gathers under his roof distant relatives, people of different nationalities, beliefs, and ideas. The old man is tortured by everything happening around him: unrest in the city as well as discord and discarder in his own overpopulated apartment. All his efforts to preserve the family are in vain. People want to live separately. Former friends become bitter enemies because of the senseless aggression.