Diana Gettinger

Diana Gettinger

出生 : 1976-07-27, New York City, New York, USA


Diana Gettinger
Diana Gettinger


Wedding Swingers
ALAN a successful TV producer of popular but bubble-headed sci-fi series, is about to get married to his beautiful fiancée, JENNIFER, the voluptuous but vacuous star of his hit TV show, "Porthole." To celebrate, they schedule a destination wedding in Palm Springs, where he holds a reunion of his closest friends from college. Arriving in Palm Springs to celebrate are a diverse range of characters including his best friends KEVIN , now an attorney who has given up his dreams for the future, his ex-wife GABRIELLE , who is going through a mid-life crisis of her own and has taken up with a young and wild 20 year old, AMBER, the pretentious and prurient blogger IAN , his old college roommate MITCH, a successful and well-adjusted dentist and STEVEN, who is attending with his new boyfriend STEPHEN.
Two suicidal paraplegic junkies hustle their way through the city streets trying to find a reason to live.
Trust and Death
A writer, Celeste, questions the loyalty of her boyfriend, Didier. It is through her poetry that Celeste finds the strength to test Didier, and come face to face with the heart wrenching truth.
How to Seduce Difficult Women
Philippe, a French-American writer living in Manhattan, decides to take on ten relationship-challenged men to help them learn the art of seduction.
The People I've Slept With
The People I've Slept With - a promiscuous woman who finds herself with an unplanned pregnancy and needs to figure out who the baby daddy is...NOW. Angela Yang loves sex. She loves it so much she needs to make baseball cards of her lovers to help her remember where she's been. She doesn't think twice about her lifestyle until she finds out that she's pregnant. Her gay best friend, Gabriel Lugo tells her to "take care of it," but her conservative sister, Juliet persuades Angela to get married to the baby's father and lead a "normal" life like her. Angela listens to her sister, chooses to keep the baby, and goes on a quest to find the identity of the father by any means necessary.
FBI Dispatcher
独立記念日前夜、ニューヨーク市警察刑事のジョン・マクレーンは、ニュージャージー州に住む娘のルーシーを訪ねる。偶然ルーシーが男に言い寄られる光景を目の当たりにして助けたつもりが、親からの干渉は当然の如く嫌われマクレーンはヘコんでしまう。さらに、上司からはハッカーのファレルをワシントンD.C.まで連行するFBIからの頼まれ仕事を押し付けられ、渋々とマクレーンはファレルの元へと向かう。 しかし、ファレルのアパートメントを訪問したマクレーンは、そこでファレルを狙った正体不明の敵からの銃撃をうける。 最新のハイテク技術を駆使するトーマス・ガブリエル率いるサイバーテロ組織を相手に、完全なアナログ親父であるマクレーンがいつもの如く理不尽な運命を愚痴りながらも、反撃を開始する。
Friendly Fire
A surreal fantasy on the themes of love and friendship, set to the music and songs of the Sean Lennon album "Friendly Fire".