Zakirzhan Muminov

Zakirzhan Muminov


Zakirzhan Muminov


Ау, ограбление поезда
Abdulladzhan, or Dedicated to Steven Spielberg
Considering that Musakov’s Abdulladzhan (1991) was dedicated to Steven Spielberg, we might suggest that these four boys embody nothing more complicated than a conflict of youthful innocence with some ominous threat—the basic workings of E.T. (1982) or War of the Worlds (2005), say. That threat, however, is best understood not through vague nationalism or warmed-over socialism, but through the other reference-point of Abdulladzhan—Tarkovskii’s Stalker (1980). Musakov leaves his boys in a simplified radiance so bright and so overexposed that it no longer looks like the skies of sunny Tashkent, but a disturbing, borderless luminosity to match the flat tonal range of Stalker’s “Zone.” Our Uzbek boys are nowhere in particular; this is a broader domain than anything international.
After a two-year absence Valentin returns home and finds his sister Alisa in a deranged state. It turns out that the girl has long been on the needle. Brother is trying to pull the sister of drug hell, but, unfortunately, Alice dies of an overdose. From that moment Valentin declares ruthless war on drug dealers.
Who are you?
Assistant Director
A young doctor serving cotton growers goes to the city. On the highway, when trying to overtake a motorcade, the traffic police stops the car. The events that take place next are an accurate and witty model of a life permeated through and through with absurd relationships, ridiculous demands and inexplicable prohibitions...
Who are you?
A young doctor serving cotton growers goes to the city. On the highway, when trying to overtake a motorcade, the traffic police stops the car. The events that take place next are an accurate and witty model of a life permeated through and through with absurd relationships, ridiculous demands and inexplicable prohibitions...