Masao Yajima

出生 : 1950-02-15, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan


外科医 須磨久善
『外科医 須磨久善』(げかい すまひさよし)は、日本で初めてバチスタ手術を行った心臓血管外科医・須磨久善の半生を著した海堂尊によるノンフィクション作品。2010年秋にテレビドラマ化された。
「松本清張生誕100年記念作品・駅路」。2009年4月11日21:00-23:10、フジテレビ系列の「土曜プレミアム」枠にて放映。松本清張生誕100年と向田邦子生誕80年を記念し、向田の脚本に脚色・演出を加え制作された作品。 銀行の営業部長を定年で退職した小塚貞一は、その年の秋の末、簡単な旅行用具を持って家を出たまま、行方不明となった。家出人捜索願を受けて、呼野刑事と北尾刑事は捜査を始める。家庭は平和と見えたし、子供も成長し、一人は結婚もした。人生の行路を大方歩いて、やれやれという境涯に身を置いていたように思える。自殺する原因もない。自分から失踪したとすれば、何のためにそのような行動を取ったのか……。
Zero no Kanata e
Two Osaka comedians, Makoto (Tomomitsu Yamaguchi) and Kinta (Go Morita), are riding bicycles in Tokyo when they're hit by a dump truck. They regain consciousness in 1945, but not of their own bodies. Somehow, their souls have been transported into the bodies of two tokkotai (special forces, or "kamikaze") pilots. Having grown up in a peaceful, carefree Japan, the two comedians experience severe disorientation at having to suddenly deal with the realities of war. They attempt to escape their squadron, knowing that Japan will eventually lose the war, but are nevertheless moved by the young men they meet, all of whom have very different opinions about their fate and the responsibilities that have been placed upon them.
人間交差点 道
Original Story
Based on the comic written by Masao Yajima and illustrated by Kenshi Hirokane
人間交差点 雨
Original Story
Based on the comic written by Masao Yajima and illustrated by Kenshi Hirokane.
人間交差点 不良
Original Story
Based on the comic written by Masao Yajima and illustrated by Kenshi Hirokane.
放浪 -さすらい-
A high school girl becomes convinced that her mother, who was said to have died fourteen years ago, is alive and residing in Hokkaido.
Original Story
A double suicide happens in Morioka in Iwate Prefecture. The two were employees of rival real estate companies. A prosecutor who senses a setup exposes the truth.