Dmitry Zavilgelsky

Dmitry Zavilgelsky

出生 : 1973-05-11, Moscow, USSR (Russia)


Dmitry Zavilgelsky


Andrey Sakharov. On the Other Side of the Window...
The film about the great scientist, thinker, human rights activist is based on the memories of his associates, declassified documents of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the KGB of the USSR, a chronicle shot by the KGB in the city of Gorky, and most importantly, animated drawings that Andrei Dmitrievich left on the margins of notebooks with formulas, in letters to children and grandchildren, as well as simply inventing some fantastic characters.
Andrey Sakharov. On the Other Side of the Window...
The film about the great scientist, thinker, human rights activist is based on the memories of his associates, declassified documents of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the KGB of the USSR, a chronicle shot by the KGB in the city of Gorky, and most importantly, animated drawings that Andrei Dmitrievich left on the margins of notebooks with formulas, in letters to children and grandchildren, as well as simply inventing some fantastic characters.
Andrey Sakharov. On the Other Side of the Window...
The film about the great scientist, thinker, human rights activist is based on the memories of his associates, declassified documents of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the KGB of the USSR, a chronicle shot by the KGB in the city of Gorky, and most importantly, animated drawings that Andrei Dmitrievich left on the margins of notebooks with formulas, in letters to children and grandchildren, as well as simply inventing some fantastic characters.
In the 60s of the last century, Soviet archaeologists opened a center of Paleolithic culture in the Southern Urals. Rock paintings of the Kapova Cave became a sensation in the world of science. There are not many places like Kapova Cave on Earth, where the evidence of the life and work of ancient people has been preserved.
Chronicles of the Nubian Expedition
The film is dedicated to the history of the first in the history of the USSR foreign expedition of Soviet archaeologists to Egypt in 1961-1963. Amateur photo and film material, field diaries, as well as an unpublished manuscript of one of its participants found in personal and scientific archives, immerses us in the atmosphere of unique excavations, hopes, failures and discoveries of scientists.
In Search of Rural Utopias
Inspired by the ideas of the outstanding Russian thinker of the beginning of the last century Alexander Vasilyevich Chayanov the film crew sets off in search of new "rural utopias", modern models of rural development. Alexander Mikhailovich Nikulin, a social anthropologist, head of the Chayanov Center for Agrarian Research, acts as a guide in this fascinating journey through modern rural Russia. In the film the viewer will visit different parts of Russia and get acquainted not only with traditional farmers and peasants, but also see crocodile and snail farms unusual for a Russian person, as well as new forms of rural development.
Find a Fallen Star
Former rescuers organize an extreme expedition called "Find a Fallen Star" to feel the high of their work again and share it with friends.
Anthropologist Drobyshevsky Day
How is science done? What is behind the scenes of popular lectures and speeches? The film shows three days in the life of the famous popularizer of science Stanislav Drobyshevsky. The film crew visited together with him on archaeological excavations in the village of Khotylevo, Bryansk region, at the Lomonosov Moscow State University at the Department of Anthropology and at the conference "Scientists against Myths".
Anthropologist Drobyshevsky Day
How is science done? What is behind the scenes of popular lectures and speeches? The film shows three days in the life of the famous popularizer of science Stanislav Drobyshevsky. The film crew visited together with him on archaeological excavations in the village of Khotylevo, Bryansk region, at the Lomonosov Moscow State University at the Department of Anthropology and at the conference "Scientists against Myths".
Amateurs in Space
The hero of the film, Alexander Shaenko, with a group of like-minded people, created the first satellite in Russia, made by amateurs, outside of any government structures. The satellite was launched into space, but unfortunately, it could not reach the specified orbit due to the launch vehicle accident. But this did not stop our enthusiasts. Now they are busy developing a closed biosphere based on microalgae to support long-range space flights. It's not quite working out yet, but the road will be mastered by the walking one.
Magical Obturator
How do new technologies affect the development of cinematography? Good or bad? Is it true that film has a magical effect on the viewer? The authors of the film, together with psychologists from the Higher School of Economics and Moscow State University. Lomonosov are organizing an unusual experiment, which should prove the difference between the audience's perception of a film screening and from a digital medium.
Abyss. Robotic Debt Collector
New technologies come into our lives sometimes in the most unexpected way. A group of developers of intelligent machines led by the hero of the film Sergey Markov creates robots for calling debtors on bank loans. One day they come up with the idea to teach a robot to speak in the voice of a famous artist who died several decades ago...
The Luck Meter
It is a portrait film of Boris Mirkin, one of the pioneers of Soviet programming. In the film, Mirkine does not speak so much of the artificial intelligence as the chapka (fur cap) he bought in London, the collection of horse figurines or his children scattered in different countries. In fact, it is not really a gay story because it is the portrait of a whole generation of Soviet scientists. He started working in cybernetics in a country where artificial intelligence was used to study the daily behavior of villagers. He left because his family dreaded the pogroms against the Jews. He made a career in the West. He came back because in Russia, we think in Russian.
The Luck Meter
It is a portrait film of Boris Mirkin, one of the pioneers of Soviet programming. In the film, Mirkine does not speak so much of the artificial intelligence as the chapka (fur cap) he bought in London, the collection of horse figurines or his children scattered in different countries. In fact, it is not really a gay story because it is the portrait of a whole generation of Soviet scientists. He started working in cybernetics in a country where artificial intelligence was used to study the daily behavior of villagers. He left because his family dreaded the pogroms against the Jews. He made a career in the West. He came back because in Russia, we think in Russian.
Fucking Brain
Popular science film about modern research in the field of neurophysiology.
Dissernet: The Evolution of Altruism
Using the example of the Dissernet social movement, we will tell you how our actions are related to our genes, and why some become crooks, while others struggle with these crooks...
Waiting for Waves and Particles
Three physicists in search of the grail, each - his own. One hopes to find gravitational waves, the other - axions, the third is looking for magnetic monopoles. Each of these waves and particles is predicted by theorists, but whether it exists in nature in reality, no one knows for sure.
Waiting for Waves and Particles
Three physicists in search of the grail, each - his own. One hopes to find gravitational waves, the other - axions, the third is looking for magnetic monopoles. Each of these waves and particles is predicted by theorists, but whether it exists in nature in reality, no one knows for sure.
Grandfather, Vasily and Kvadrat
Author's family history. We can say that this is a movie about my grandfather. It can be said that he is about a horse and about the relationship between a man and a horse. And you can do it like this: how the horse influenced the history of the country and the world. And everything will be true, because my grandfather Zavilgelsky Boris Dmitrievich was the director of the First Moscow Stud Farm, where the legendary stallion Kvadrat was born and the equally legendary groom Uncle Vasya worked.
Once Upon a Time We Were Stars
Director of Photography
What makes people so attractive? With its beauty, unknownness, immense distance from the earth? Some have made this interest their profession and have become scientists - astronomers and astrophysicists, others have turned it into a hobby and all the free time from the roofs of houses and even in private observatories watch the starry sky, opening new stars, giving them names. About astronomy, astronomers - professionals and amateurs, tells this film.
Once Upon a Time We Were Stars
What makes people so attractive? With its beauty, unknownness, immense distance from the earth? Some have made this interest their profession and have become scientists - astronomers and astrophysicists, others have turned it into a hobby and all the free time from the roofs of houses and even in private observatories watch the starry sky, opening new stars, giving them names. About astronomy, astronomers - professionals and amateurs, tells this film.
Once Upon a Time We Were Stars
What makes people so attractive? With its beauty, unknownness, immense distance from the earth? Some have made this interest their profession and have become scientists - astronomers and astrophysicists, others have turned it into a hobby and all the free time from the roofs of houses and even in private observatories watch the starry sky, opening new stars, giving them names. About astronomy, astronomers - professionals and amateurs, tells this film.
Return of Alexander Sergeevich to Russia
The hero of the film, a young Russian biologist, Alexander Sergeevich Ermakov, has been working on the study of stem cells in the UK for 10 years. But he is a man who dreams of giving his brains to his homeland. He flies to Russia with the hope of finding a job and staying. Here he is met by relatives, friends and misunderstanding of colleagues. Will Alexander Sergeevich stay in Russia?
All This Television
The history of the formation of Russian television in faces and memories.
On the Edge of Being
The collision of two parallel worlds, the world of high space technologies and the village of Pogorelets, lost in the Arkhangelsk forests. An allegorical story about the life of people in a remote village, which is located near the place where space rockets start. Resourceful villagers, exhausted by unemployment and poverty, have established handicraft production of things necessary in the village economy from the remains of spaceships. The boats are the best.