Ian Jackson


グッドライアー 偽りのゲーム
First Assistant "B" Camera
ベテラン詐欺師のロイ(イアン・マッケラン)が出会い系サイトで狙いを定めたのは、夫を亡くしてまもない資産家ベティ(ヘレン・ミレン)。全財産を騙し取ろうと策略をめぐらす非情なロイを、世間知らずのベティは徐々に信用するようになる。しかし、単純な詐欺だったはずが、物語は思いがけない事態へ発展していく―。 暴かれるのは、人間誰しもが抱えて生きていかねばならない秘密と嘘。偽りに満ちた人生の奥底にある真実とはー。英国が誇る両名優がぶつかり合う、至高のライアーゲームが今はじまる。
The Kid Who Would Be King
Second Assistant "A" Camera
Old-school magic meets the modern world when young Alex stumbles upon the mythical sword Excalibur. He soon unites his friends and enemies, and they become knights who join forces with the legendary wizard Merlin. Together, they must save mankind from the wicked enchantress Morgana and her army of supernatural warriors.
トゥームレイダー ファースト・ミッション
Second Assistant "B" Camera
Second Assistant "A" Camera
RKO 281
Camera Operator
In 1939, boy-wonder Orson Welles leaves New York, where he has succeeded in radio and theater, and, hired by RKO Pictures, moves to Hollywood with the purpose of making his first film.
It's the Christmas season. With her mum's help, Lynne, a girl of perhaps eight, dresses up; her younger brother Steven plays with a toy car. The children leave with their dad, who's affectionate towards them. They walk down a railroad track where an unkempt woman waits with two children, about the same age as Lynne and Steven. The children go with them. They're all headed to a holiday party at a pub. Lynne notices that the girl acts a little too familiar with her dad. What's going on?
Shallow Grave
Focus Puller
When accountant David, doctor Juliet and journalist Alex are searching for a fourth roommate for their trendy flat, they settle on the aloof Hugo. However, they soon find Hugo dead of a drug overdose, beside a large sum of cash. After some deliberation, the three others decide to keep the money and to dismember and bury Hugo's body. Soon, each roommate starts thinking about keeping all the money by scamming the others.
Blame It on the Bellboy
Focus Puller
Mike Lawton, Maurice Horton, and Melvin Orton are three men who come to Venice. One of them is a hit man sent to take out a mobster. Another is a lech looking for a little action with a woman he never met, whom he was set up with. And one of them was sent by his employer to inspect a property his boss wants to buy. All three men stay at the same hotel. But when the bellboy gets their names mixed up and gives info meant for someone else. So one of them meets a Realtor who will whatever she has to, to close the sale. And another follows a woman looking for romance. And another goes to the home of the mobster who thinks he's sent there to kill him.
The Black Velvet Gown
Focus Puller
In the 1830's in northern England, Riah Millican, a widow with three children, takes a job as housekeeper to a reclusive former teacher, Percival Miller. Miller makes Riah the gift of a black velvet gown, and even educates her children. But when Riah discovers the reason behind Miller's gifts, she vows to leave his house, but Miller has a hold on her, even after his death, when he leaves his house to her on the condition that she never marry. Riah's daughter, Biddy, grows up and becomes a laundress in a large house where her education keeps her from fitting in and makes her a target. But it also catches the eye of a son of the house, and with Miller's legacies, Biddy may yet find her way to happiness.
The Black Candle
Focus Puller
Lily Whitmore is the heir to a crumbling factory that she's determined to restore to its former glory. Unfortunately, Lily must instead turn her attention to the conniving Lionel Filmore who's determined to marry into the family no matter what.