Armando Ballesteros


ハピエスト・ホリデー 私たちのカミングアウト
Chief Lighting Technician
サラは手芸用品店で働いており、休日は趣味の乗馬を楽しむ生活を送っていた。しかし、そんなサラの幸福な日常はある日を境にして崩れ始めた。その日以来、サラは悪夢に苛まれるようになり、ほどなくして夢遊病の症状が出るに至ったのである。サラの精神状態は悪化の一途を辿り、ついには「自分は祖母のクローンであり、エイリアンに誘拐されたことがある」と主張するようになった。 本作は現実と妄想の区別が徐々につかなくなっていくサラの姿を描き出す作品である。
Sword of Trust
When Cynthia and Mary show up to collect Cynthia's inheritance from her deceased grandfather, the only item she's received is an antique sword that he believed to be proof that the South won the Civil War.
Duck Butter
The DP
Dissatisfied with the dishonesty they see in dating, strangers Naima and Sergio make a pact to spend 24 straight hours together in an attempt to fast forward their relationship.
Duck Butter
Dissatisfied with the dishonesty they see in dating, strangers Naima and Sergio make a pact to spend 24 straight hours together in an attempt to fast forward their relationship.
The Young Kieslowski
Grand romantic gestures need not apply in this comedic tale of star-crossed young love. Instead, freshman Brian Kieslowski displays endless reserves of bumbling awkwardness as he goes home with a girl for the first time... and then learns that he got her pregnant... with twins... all while she's going through a rather inconvenient Christianity phase. Could it be that being the good guy and doing what's right are two very different things?
Devil in My Ride
Doreen is about to marry the man of her dreams, Hank, a mild-mannered guy who is equally as excited about marrying Doreen. However, Doreen's older brother, a wild man named Travis who's been estranged from her for several years, shows up to make amends, but instead he accidentally curses her. Doreen is now possessed by the devil. In Las Vegas is a homeless man known as Johnny Priest, who is the last known person to perform an exorcism in America. It's up to Travis and Hank to put aside their differences and travel from Chicago to Las Vegas to get Doreen an exorcism before it's too late and her soul is lost forever.
Tio's Game
Guns. Drugs. Violence. Gangs. Murder. The story of what happens when a young man trades his hopes and dreams for vengeance. To save his brother from the clutches of their drug-dealing uncle and a rival drug gang, Juan must make the ultimate sacrifice. Once Juan picks up his first gun, his plans of college, a girlfriend, and a future vanish as he becomes consumed by the darker side of the life his is fighting against. This is a GAME where you either win or lose your life!