Yoshinori Sunahara


Original Music Composer
In the previous story, Yoji and Kei rescued Anna, their adoptive mother. Now, they are once again using the Fastening Machine with Oscar, the bear robot, to solve any problems the town is facing. One day, however, a mysterious hero makes her appearance. And she happens to have the same Fastening Machine as Yoji and Kei. Who is this she? Why did she appear? Just then, a big problem hits this peaceful town! Will these small heroes be able to save the town from a crisis? This is a near-futuristic action anime taken to the next level! Don't miss it!
テクノを初めてメジャー・フィールドに持ち込み、日本のポップ・ミュージックの歴史を大きく変えた電気グルーヴは、なぜ結成26年を迎える今もなお、唯一無比・唯我独尊・イノベイティヴな存在であり続けられるのか──。 26年間の膨大な映像からピックアップした貴重なシーンと、元メンバーやスタッフやミュージシャンや関係者など、電気グルーヴと関わってきた17人の証言により、電気グルーヴの26年間を総括するヒストリームービー。 1989年8月20日に大阪・十三ファンダンゴで行われたデビュー・ライヴなど初めて世に出る映像や、海外のミュージシャンを圧倒するほどに超満員のオーディエンスを熱狂させた2014年7月25日の『FUJI ROCK FESTIVAL’14』グリーンステージでのパフォーマンスまで、ライブ映像もふんだんに収録。数多くの秘蔵映像や楽曲とともに、電気グルーヴの歴史が語られる。
Original Music Composer
Yoji and Kei, a boy and girl, live in a town in the not-so-distant future with their foster parent, Anna. But these seemingly ordinary children have a secret hidden even from their unsuspecting mother. Yoji and Kei are superhero defenders of their town! With a flap of their capes, the two of them and their robot bear sidekick, Oscar, protect the citizens in their town with their handmade high-tech machinery. But from what menace? And will our little heroes be able to overcome the crisis about to threaten the town's peaceful everyday serenity?
Original Music Composer
A couple of smugglers don't know what to do when one day their boss gives them a kidnapping job.