Ion Roxin

Ion Roxin


Ion Roxin


Dr. Dumitrescu
Professor Cristian conducts research on a citostatic. He is still dealing though with the unjust condemning he suffered in the 50s. Some of the people around him try to bring him down with same type of accusations.
At the Crossroads of Great Storms
General Magheru
In 1848 during the tumultuous era of European revolutions shaking the continent out of its feudal-based empire-based system the Wallachian politician Nicolae Balcescu is trying to reach the same revolutionary goals at home.
The Investigation
The explosion of a 4300 tones Kauper furnace brings up an inquiry, conducted by Ștefan, a Romanian Communist Party activist. He is trying to get to the truth, even if he is pressured just to assign blame.
The Evening Party
At a party with diverse guests are dealing with the events os August 23rd, 1944. Guests are serving as metaphors for different parts of society.