Julie Oh


Honoring a Broadway Legacy: Behind the Scenes of tick, tick...Boom!
Go deep inside the film tick, tick...BOOM! with director Lin-Manuel Miranda, actor Andrew Garfield and the rest of the film's acclaimed ensemble. The award-winning biopic tells the story of the late Tony Award®-winning legend Jonathan Larson, an artist at a crossroads desperate to tell his story.
Honoring a Broadway Legacy: Behind the Scenes of tick, tick...Boom!
Executive Producer
Go deep inside the film tick, tick...BOOM! with director Lin-Manuel Miranda, actor Andrew Garfield and the rest of the film's acclaimed ensemble. The award-winning biopic tells the story of the late Tony Award®-winning legend Jonathan Larson, an artist at a crossroads desperate to tell his story.
tick, tick... BOOM! : チック、チック…ブーン!
ヒルビリー・エレジー -郷愁の哀歌-
Executive Producer
An urgent phone call pulls a Yale Law student back to his Ohio hometown, where he reflects on three generations of family history and his own future.
Executive Producer
30年来の親友同士、お互いを知り尽くすオードリーとモーガン。 彼氏のドリューから一方的に音信不通にされたオードリーのもとに、ある日イケメン青年が現れ、ドリューはCIAのスパイだと打ち明けられる。ドリューの正体に驚きを隠せないオードリーだが、荷物を取りに来たと突然ドリューが現れるも、「誰も信じるな」という言葉と記念トロフィーを残して射殺される。オードリーとモーガンはドリューの言葉を信じるも、迫りくる様々な追手が行く手を阻む。ドタバタ・スパイコメディの超話題作!