Shinji Watanabe


予兆 散歩する侵略者 劇場版
Sound Recordist
Sound Recordist
優れた画力を持ちながら将来の展望もなく毎日を過ごしていた高校生の真城最高は、漫画原作家を志す高木秋人から一緒に漫画家になろうと誘われる。当初は拒否していたものの声優志望のクラスメート亜豆美保への恋心をきっかけに、最高はプロの漫画家になることを決意。コンビを組んだ最高と秋人は週刊少年ジャンプ連載を目標に日々奮闘するが……。<「DEATH NOTE」の原作コンビ、大場つぐみと小畑健によるテレビアニメ化もされた大ヒット漫画を、『モテキ』などの大根仁監督が実写映画化した青春ドラマ。性格の違う高校生2人がタッグを組み漫画家への道を歩んでいくさまを、大根監督ならではの巧みな映像表現を駆使して描く。週刊少年ジャンプでの連載を目指して日々奮闘する漫画家コンビには、佐藤健と神木隆之介。実在の漫画作品や出版社が実名で登場するほか、劇中使用される漫画の原稿を小畑自身が描いている。>
Sound Recordist
A boy from Tokyo moves to the countryside and has trouble adapting, falls in love.
Little DJ 小さな恋の物語
Taro is a 12-year-old into baseball and radio, especially "Music Express," a song-request show. Sound quaint? But it is 1977 and a small town in Hokkaido, a more innocent, pure-hearted time and place, we are told. Taro, however, has a blood disease that lands him in the hospital where his aunt is a nurse. Rounds of tests, transfusions and injections sap his spirit, despite the kindness and dedication of his young doctor and the Doctor's hospital-director father. The latter, a music buff who broadcasts classics over the hospital's PA system, asks Taro to relieve him as DJ — and soon the boy is ensconced in the hospital director's well-stocked library-cum-studio, spinning popular J-Pop tunes. He also becomes acquainted with Tamaki, a girl he first calls "the mummy" because of her bandages and full body cast — she was injured in a traffic accident. He later changes his tune when she is revealed as a cute 13-year-old — for him, an older woman...