Director of Photography
A man is tasked with assisting in the ritual suicide of a samurai who won't die without condemning the corrupt powers that be.
Director of Photography
A music movie featuring a performance of Taiko Performing Arts Ensemble ‘Kodo’ and Koshiro Hino. Filmed entirely on Sado island.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Seven years ago, a mysterious monster was found deep in a rural coal mine. Since then, rumors of a plague spread through the small town, and people experience an unexplainable mental illness. A young Shugendo practitioner goes missing only to resurface transformed, intent on exorcising the world from the monsters haunting it.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
When Satoshi was little, his mother Akiko always took good care of him. She was gentle, but mentally strong. However, two years ago she was diagnosed with cancer and now it's Satoshi's turn to comfort and care for her. However, despite his best efforts, she passes away. A year after Akiko's passing, Satoshi, his father Toshiaki and his older brother Yuichi start new lives. Around that time, Satoshi receives a present from his mother.
Director of Photography
大学生の典子 は、突然母親から茶道を勧められる。戸惑いながらも従姉・美智子 と共に、タダモノではないとうわさの茶道教室の先生・武田のおばさん の指導を受けることになる。
Director of Photography
Camera Operator
Director of Photography
舞台は北京郊外の芸術家村。売れない芸術家チャオピンは、ある画廊で「黒四角」という名の黒一色に塗りつぶされた不思議な絵を目にする。その絵には非常に高額な値がつけられ、そのうえ、「SOLD OUT」となっていることに呆れてしまう。しかし、何故かチャオピンはその絵に心を奪われてしまう。 翌日、チャオピンは空を飛んでいく黒い物体を発見し、それに誘われて、荒野にたどり着いた。厚みの無い黒い物体は荒れ地に降り、ただそこに立っている。すると突然、そこから裸体の男が現れる。その男は自分の名前さえ憶えておらず、どこから来て、どこへ向かうのかも分からないと言う。チャオピンは男に服を貸してやり、家に連れて帰る。そして、男を「黒四角」と名付け、お金を渡し、町へ出て仕事を探すように勧める。 チャオピンは、この男とどこかで出会ったことがあると既視感を覚え、遠い記憶の中に男の面影を探そうとするがうまくいかない。そしてそれは妹のリーホワも同じだった。不確かな過去の記憶と幻想の世界を行き来しながら、男とリーホワは次第に惹かれあっていく。「過去、現在、未来…。僕は君に会ったことがある…」と、男は言う。手を取り合い、北京の胡同を歩く二人。すると突然、二人の前に一人の日本兵が現れたのだった…。 そして物語は60年前、悲惨な戦争に従軍した日本兵と中国人兄妹の儚い愛と友情の記憶へと変転していく。
Director of Photography
The Cossacks have left their beautiful wife and child behind. Every morning, he goes to work, and at night, when he comes home, he finds his wife and child. The man begins to feel that something is different. He can't sleep, he can't laugh, and he has no answers. One day, a woman chased by a suspicious foreigner runs into the cinema where he works. A few days later, by chance, he meets the woman again and decides to accompany her on her "last dangerous job", without knowing what is going on. During the short journey. The man is convinced that she is the answer to his life... The story could be seen as a dream of a Peter Pan man who wants to be a boy forever, but thanks to the characters and good performances of the lead actors, it is successfully made into a physical reality. The result is a bittersweet, "slightly older" boy meets girl story.