Carolyne Boucher


Katherine Levac – Grosse
Katherine Levac has just given birth to two babies, but also to a new show. Nearly 60 minutes of unpublished material, recorded at the end of the summer in front of an audience, she tackles with sharpness and authenticity subjects such as assisted reproduction, grossophobia, sperm banks, climbing Everest, cows, La Vie d'Adèle and eating rubber. A tribute to the most productive, grandiose and constipated 9 months of her life.
Lost Paradise Lost
Associate Producer
Prisoners of their technology-bound lives, Julie and Victor feel disillusioned with humanity. They stumble upon a mysterious group who, after stripping them bare, welcomes them and gives them ready-made roles to play. Joining the strangers, they head into the forest toward an unknown destination, until they suddenly come under attack. As they face this threat together, Julie and Victor will need to separate truth from fiction. Or simply surrender to the pleasure of artifice...