Cha Soon-bae

Cha Soon-bae

出生 : 1972-10-23,


Cha Soon-bae


My Worst Neighbor
A romantic comedy about two neighbors living with one wall between them.
魔女 Part2. The Other One
Dr. Byeon
A girl wakes up in a huge secret laboratory, then accidentally meets another girl who is trying to protect her house from a gang. The mystery girl overthrows the gang with her unexpected powers, and laboratory staff set out to find her.
Mr Ok
The Book of Fish
In 1801, after a new king ascended the throne, a scholar Jeong Yak-jeon who served the late king is exiled to Heuk-san Island. There he meets Chang-dae, a young fisherman who is a huge admirer of Confucianism and has a wide knowledge about the sea.
Mr. Hwang
An assassin named Tae-goo is offered a chance to switch sides with his rival Bukseong gang, headed by Chairman Doh. Tae-goo rejects the offer that results in the murder of his sister and niece. In revenge, Tae-goo brutally kills Chairman Doh and his men and flees to Jeju Island where he meets Jae-yeon, a terminally ill woman. Though, the henchman of the Bukseong gang, Executive Ma is mercilessly hunting Tae-goo to take revenge.
Na Il-jeong
A lawyer tries to prove her mother’s innocence and uncover the secrets of a small village with the help of the local mayor. Her mother was accused of murder after the rice wine was poisoned at her husband’s funeral, but she is suffering from memory loss and cannot defend herself.
「新感染 ファイナル・エクスプレス」で一躍トップスターとなり、マーベル・シネマティック・ユニバース(MCU)作品「エターナルズ」でハリウッド進出を果たすマ・ドンソク主演のバイオレンスアクション。凶悪なヤクザの組長チャン・ドンスが、ある夜何者かによってめった刺しにされた。奇跡的に一命をとりとめたドンスは、対立する組織の犯行を疑い、犯人捜しに動き出す。一方、警察サイドで捜査にあたるチョン刑事は暴力的な手段も辞さない荒くれ者として、署内でも問題刑事として知られていた。まだ世間の誰も気づいていない連続無差別殺人鬼がこの事件の犯人であると確信したチョン刑事は、その手がかりを求めてドンスにつきまとう。ドンスとチョン刑事は互いに敵意をむき出しにするが、狡猾な殺人鬼を突き止めるには互いの情報が必要であると悟り、共闘して犯人を追い詰めてゆく。2019年・第32回東京国際映画祭の「シン・ファンタ/復活!?東京国際ファンタスティック映画祭ナイト」(19年11月2日)で上映。
General Affairs Monk
Pastor Park is head of a religious investigation center that exposes cults and cult leaders. While looking into a suspicious new religion called Deer Mount, he slowly uncovers clues that connect this cult to a series of mysterious cases of missing teenage girls when a body is found inside a damaged tunnel beams. He begins to uncover dark secrets surrounding this cult and its enforcer Na-han.
I Have a Date with Spring
Han-na's Homeroom Teacher
A director who hasn't been able to film a new movie in almost a decade, has been working strenuously on a story about the earth's destruction. One day, he hears a great explosion, and is soon visited by four strangers.
Memento Mori
Suddenly they woke up. Not knowing who did it, 6 of them got up in the same place. The survival game for 6 people with nothing in common has begun.
Stand by Me
A grandpa finds out he is not going to live for much longer so he decides to prepare for his grandson's future with something special.
タクシー運転手 約束は海を越えて
Driver Cha
How To Live on Earth
There are three people: an alien woman who comes up to an alien husband and a government's assassin wife who has to kill the alien woman. The wife is an undercover agent who is in charge of national top secrets. To her, her poet husband is like an alien. The husband has a key inside his head and the wife has a gun by her hand. Also the alien woman has purposeful love. Their mixed-up destiny does not just happen and the devil reveals his real shape and starts to kill people one by one.