Rebecca Finet

Rebecca Finet

出生 : 1976-01-01,


Rebecca Finet


Electric Bodies
In a future where human memory is recorded on cards and biomechanical bodies are replaced by biological ones, anyone can change appearance following their mood, as long as they can afford it. But people who can not continue to rent their expensive bodies and are forced to abandon them. This is what threatens Emma Beaufort.
Act 100: The Changing of the Guard
Dorothée has arranged a delicate balance between motherhood, economic survival and political commitment. It holds firm on one of the last roundabouts in France. Jules finds her to also defend his interests. Singing.
Mine de rien
Madame Le Maire
Tuesday From 8 to 6
Mme Lemoine
Névine, a secondary school monitor, is fully committed to her somewhat thankless day job, dealing with teachers, administration and students. Logan, a pupil she is found of insists on getting a cap back from lost and found. She has no idea of the consequences of her gesture.
Mon cœur
Murder In Saint Paul de Vence
Nicole l'infirmière
National and regional police team up to solve the case of a young woman found dead in a hotel swimming pool.
Let Me Dance
Mylène is spending her birthday evening at work, just like any other day. But this night has more than one surprise in store for her.
Accidental Family
Mother client
Loïc Le Tallec never really took care of his son. When the latter disappears in a road accident, Loïc is devastated. He has only one idea in mind: to find the one who lives now with the heart of his son. He falls on Hugo, a young man that this brand new heart makes totally unreasonable and uncontrollable. Their meeting promises to be explosive.
One winter morning, a father and his son go for a jog. Along the way, we understand that a gap has grown between Marco, a Parisian who has come to spend a few days in the countryside, and Jean-Claude, a retired policeman who doesn't talk much. Their love is present, but barriers and modesty hold them back from expressing it.