Alex Proyas

Alex Proyas

出生 : 1963-09-23, Alexandria, Egypt


Alexander "Alex" Proyas is an Greek Australian film director, screenwriter, and producer. He is best known for directing the science fiction films The Crow, Dark City, I, Robot and Knowing. He employs a dark and stylized way of filming, usually in a post-apocalyptic setting. Throughout his career, his films have acquired a cult following.


Alex Proyas


Home Education - Le regole del male
Executive Producer
A brainwashed girl is convinced by her authoritarian mother that her dead father will resurrect if they prove their love for him. Until he begins to rot.
Mask of the Evil Apparition
Director of Photography
A young woman lost in a nocturnal, dreamlike city, with her twin psychic brothers who try to help her find her way home as she is pursued by a shadowy cult known as The Mysterious Ones.
Mask of the Evil Apparition
A young woman lost in a nocturnal, dreamlike city, with her twin psychic brothers who try to help her find her way home as she is pursued by a shadowy cult known as The Mysterious Ones.
Mask of the Evil Apparition
A young woman lost in a nocturnal, dreamlike city, with her twin psychic brothers who try to help her find her way home as she is pursued by a shadowy cult known as The Mysterious Ones.
Mask of the Evil Apparition
A young woman lost in a nocturnal, dreamlike city, with her twin psychic brothers who try to help her find her way home as she is pursued by a shadowy cult known as The Mysterious Ones.
Mask of the Evil Apparition
A young woman lost in a nocturnal, dreamlike city, with her twin psychic brothers who try to help her find her way home as she is pursued by a shadowy cult known as The Mysterious Ones.
Strange Nostalgia
A haunting short film made mostly during the lockdown, employing various remote collaboration techniques. The film explores the themes of memory, past lives and parallel universes through layered montage inspired by movies from the German Expressionist and Noir eras.
A young woman loses her car one evening, and then can't shake the feeling that something is following her home.
A young woman loses her car one evening, and then can't shake the feeling that something is following her home.
Fad Gadget by Frank Tovey
Documentary covering Tovey's life and career up to his untimely death in 2002. It includes rare and unreleased tracks and live footage of legendary performances, as well as classic songs recorded both under his own name and his alter ego, Fad Gadget. Put together by Frank's family in conjunction with Mute, utilising the Mute and family archives, this collection features the very first Fad Gadget demos and footage of the reborn Fad Gadget supporting Depeche Mode in 2001.
Book of Dreams: Dream 1 - Frank's Dream
Alex Proyas' classic hilarious B-grade spoof FRANK'S DREAM. Made sometime around 2002, and not completed until 2005
Book of Dreams: Dream 1 - Frank's Dream
Alex Proyas' classic hilarious B-grade spoof FRANK'S DREAM. Made sometime around 2002, and not completed until 2005
2035年のシカゴ。ロボットは人間の日常生活に欠かせない存在となっており、人間とロボットの共存は、3原則によって守られていた。 一. ロボットは、人間に危害を加えてはならない。 一. ロボットは、人間から与えられた命令に服従しなければならない。 一. ロボットは、前掲第一条及び第二条に反する恐れのない限り、自己を守らなければならない。ある日、ロボット開発の権威である科学者が謎の死を遂げる。その死にロボットの関与を疑ったスプーナー刑事は、ロボット心理学者カルヴィン博士の協力のもと、その謎を究明していく。そして、想像を絶する恐ろしくも巨大な陰謀に巻き込まれていくのであった・・・・・・。
Executive Producer
Garage Days
The story of a young Sydney band trying to get a foothold in the competitive world of rock n' roll. After the band's first gig is a colossal failure, the lead singer takes it upon himself to go out and pursue the most successful rock manager in the country. Meanwhile, the other members of the band continue to deal with the kind of everyday life issues that can ultimately tear a band apart. It may be the dawn of a new millennium, but it's still a long way to the top if you want to rock n' roll.
Garage Days
The story of a young Sydney band trying to get a foothold in the competitive world of rock n' roll. After the band's first gig is a colossal failure, the lead singer takes it upon himself to go out and pursue the most successful rock manager in the country. Meanwhile, the other members of the band continue to deal with the kind of everyday life issues that can ultimately tear a band apart. It may be the dawn of a new millennium, but it's still a long way to the top if you want to rock n' roll.
Garage Days
The story of a young Sydney band trying to get a foothold in the competitive world of rock n' roll. After the band's first gig is a colossal failure, the lead singer takes it upon himself to go out and pursue the most successful rock manager in the country. Meanwhile, the other members of the band continue to deal with the kind of everyday life issues that can ultimately tear a band apart. It may be the dawn of a new millennium, but it's still a long way to the top if you want to rock n' roll.
Book of Dreams: Dream 7 - Ruben's Dream
A stressed-out Kafkian man called Ruben retells an embarrassing dream he had. In it, his overbearing mother takes him, naked and embarrassed, to a noirish department store to buy him clothes, a penis and a wife. He looks for a way out.
Book of Dreams: Dream 7 - Ruben's Dream
A stressed-out Kafkian man called Ruben retells an embarrassing dream he had. In it, his overbearing mother takes him, naked and embarrassed, to a noirish department store to buy him clothes, a penis and a wife. He looks for a way out.
Exactly one year after young rock guitarist Eric Draven and his fiancée are brutally killed by a ruthless gang of criminals, Draven—watched over by a hypnotic crow—returns from the grave to exact revenge.
Exactly one year after young rock guitarist Eric Draven and his fiancée are brutally killed by a ruthless gang of criminals, Draven—watched over by a hypnotic crow—returns from the grave to exact revenge.
Book of Dreams: Welcome To Crateland
Director of Photography
Mona relates her dream. Crawling through an apparently endless wooden crate, she encounters diverse characters while the crate itself is moving towards a fiery destruction.
Book of Dreams: Welcome To Crateland
Mona relates her dream. Crawling through an apparently endless wooden crate, she encounters diverse characters while the crate itself is moving towards a fiery destruction.
Book of Dreams: Welcome To Crateland
Mona relates her dream. Crawling through an apparently endless wooden crate, she encounters diverse characters while the crate itself is moving towards a fiery destruction.
Spirits of the Air, Gremlins of the Clouds
A religious brother and sister endure alone together in the post-apocalyptic Outback, until the sudden arrival of a stranger who helps them build a crude plane to fly out of the desert.
Spirits of the Air, Gremlins of the Clouds
A religious brother and sister endure alone together in the post-apocalyptic Outback, until the sudden arrival of a stranger who helps them build a crude plane to fly out of the desert.
Spirits of the Air, Gremlins of the Clouds
A religious brother and sister endure alone together in the post-apocalyptic Outback, until the sudden arrival of a stranger who helps them build a crude plane to fly out of the desert.
After Hours
The difficulty of separating sexual fantasy and reality becomes apparent in an investigation of an alleged sexual harassment case.
Passionless Moments
Director of Photography
A series of the awkward trials of everyday living.
Strange Residues
Lighting Artist
Dreams. What are they? Is it possible they can be used by strange beings from another planet to manipulate man? This man is dreaming. Could it be that at this very moment his dreams are being structured by a beam from outer space?
Strange Residues
Dreams. What are they? Is it possible they can be used by strange beings from another planet to manipulate man? This man is dreaming. Could it be that at this very moment his dreams are being structured by a beam from outer space?
Strange Residues
Dreams. What are they? Is it possible they can be used by strange beings from another planet to manipulate man? This man is dreaming. Could it be that at this very moment his dreams are being structured by a beam from outer space?
Strange Residues
Dreams. What are they? Is it possible they can be used by strange beings from another planet to manipulate man? This man is dreaming. Could it be that at this very moment his dreams are being structured by a beam from outer space?
This short student film by Alex Proyas and Salik Silverstein re-envisions the 1964 Kitty Genovese murder, offering a different explanation for the problem of witness nonintervention.
Sister Darkness
The 1930s, U.K.-set story follows the newly wed, but unhappy, Alice who stumbles across her doppelganger Isla. Her existence is a mystery seeped in a tale of bloody retribution against her oppressors, a hellish supernatural nightscape and an uprising against the deceitful aristocracy.
Sister Darkness
The 1930s, U.K.-set story follows the newly wed, but unhappy, Alice who stumbles across her doppelganger Isla. Her existence is a mystery seeped in a tale of bloody retribution against her oppressors, a hellish supernatural nightscape and an uprising against the deceitful aristocracy.
Fad Gadget - Ricky's Head