Born to traditional Punjabi parents and growing up in Wolverhampton, Sathnam Sanghera moves to London after graduating from Cambridge University. Now in his late 20s he is planning to reveal to his family that he will defy expectations of an arranged marriage - but instead learns a painful family secret.
Factual drama which tells the story of a disabled couple's agonising struggle to keep their newborn baby. Based on real-life testimony, this emotional tale will call viewers' prejudices and beliefs about the disabled community and society as a whole into question, as we learn about a situation many disabled couples find themselves in as new parents. Can 21-year-old wheelchair user Anna and partially-sighted Tom provide the care and attention their daughter needs, or will social worker Belinda have to consider alternative care?
Assistant Editor
解説 有名な伝説「アーサー王と円卓の騎士」をスペクタクル感あふれる映像で描く歴史アドベンチャー大作。アーサー王を『すべては愛のために』のクライヴ・オーウェンが演じ、やがて王妃となるグイナヴィアに『パイレーツ・オブ・カリビアン』のキーラ・ナイトレイが扮し見事な矢さばきを見せる。 あらすじ ローマ帝国の崩壊で混乱するブリテン島。この混迷を極める戦乱の世に平和をもたらすべく、一人の男が立ち上がった。彼の名はアーサー(クライヴ・オーウェン)。勇敢な騎士たちを従え、宝剣エクスカリバーを手に、民衆を守るため戦いに挑む。