In this spoof of TV cop shows, which served as the pilot to the subsequent short-lived series, a bunch of bumbling misfits and rejects from the police academy, all assembled under a straitlaced but dimwitted captain, fumble their way to success cracking a drug ring run by a blind mobster.
Based on the well-publicized Oregon criminal case of the late 1970s, this film dramatizes the unique dispute in which Greta Rideout instigated the prosecution of her husband, John, charging him with raping her.
A religious drama about Christ's parents, the events leading up to his birth, and the effect on the lives of the well-known biblical figures of the time.
A young drifter and small-town waitress witness a corrupt sheriff murder his own deputy. Framed for the murder and pursued by the sheriff, they run for their life to try and stay alive.
A disabled Vietnam vet sets out to prove that disabled people don't have to be helpless by starting a 180-mile trip in a wheelchair. On the way he finds his life is endangered by a deranged truck driver.