Mio came to Tokyo with her sights on becoming a singer/songwriter, but that dream was dashed by a scandal without her ever becoming successful. She returns heartbroken to her hometown of Shimokawa where connecting with her parents, her former classmates, and the rich natural surroundings help her emotionally recover.
Besides being an excellent showcase of Chiaki Mayumura's talents, this film is a brilliant melding of documentary and fiction.
Annoying, such a cat hair allergy - the cat has to go! Hiroshi's ex-girlfriend Rina wants to take her in, but besides allergens there are also a lot of memories flying through the air.
The two are friends. The two are parents and children. The two are lovers. Being together softens my heart. I'm glad to be with you. And lonely. The loneliness that I only feel when I'm with you.
Kohei Nishijima
舞台『恋愛依存症の女』で恋愛依存症のヒロインを演じることになった女優のニコ(ひらく)は役柄とは対照的に密かに想いを寄せているバイト先の店長(品田誠)に自分の気持ちも伝えられないでいる。ある日、バイト先の喫茶店に店長の元妻(村上亜利沙)が現れたのをきっかけにニコの店長に対する恋心は肥大化し増幅していく。 一方、舞台の原作小説の作者・鏑木(山谷武志)は数年前の「恋愛依存症の女」ヒット以降は鳴かず飛ばずで世間からも忘れられた存在として細々と生活している。鏑木がいつものように出版社で新作を酷評されたある日の帰り道、元恋人で編集者のチー坊(小島彩乃)が出版社を寿退社することを聞かされ、その想いが再燃するが… それぞれの恋が交差して、物語は加速していく。
Tsubasa Suzuki
A college boy, Tsubasa, often enjoys to chat with his best friend, Makoto, and Makoto’s girlfriend, Risa. However, he suffers financially due to a dismissal of his father from a company he works for, so his friend, Makoto tests his sexual ability by sleeping with him, to introduce him to a money making industry of prostitution. Then, relation of the three dramatically changes.