

出生 : 1997-09-04, Japan




デッドデッドデーモンズデデデデデストラクション 後編
Ouran "Ontan" Nakagawa (voice)
A large spaceship appears over Tokyo three years before the story starts. A one-sided war against the seemingly harmless aliens ensues, sparking controversy and pacifism. Despite this unique and tragic event, high school girls Koyama Kadode and Nakagawa Ouran behave as if nothing has changed. They live their days like they always have. The focus of this story is not the alien invasion, but human nature, dialogue, growing up, and life.
Recently dumped by his fiancée, Mamiya meets a girl on a dating app. However, when he comes out of the shower, the girl is dead on his bed. Upset Mamiya decides to bury the body in the woods, however it mysteriously disappears from his car trunk... When he finds out that she is a popular influencer of the SNS called “Mimi”, he follows her footsteps which she left on Mimi, and slowly becomes attracted to the girl who turns out to be just as lonely as he is.
Adam by Eve: A Live in Animation
⾼校⽣のアキは、親友タキと放課後にファミリーレストランに来ていた。タキはアキに、昨⽇⾒た「ひとつめ」に襲われる夢について語る。タキは夢の話を終えると「ドリンクバー⾏ってくる」と席を⽴つ。けれどもそのまま、彼⼥が帰ってくることはなかった――。 「あの⼦はどこに⾏ったのだろう」アキは突然消えてしまったタキを探し、東京を彷徨う。 時を同じくして、東京で暮らす多くの⼈が同時多発的に「ひとつめ」を夢に⾒たと⾔い始める。 そしてアキも、次第に謎の存在「ひとつめ」によって作られた奇妙な世界へと迷い込んでいく。タキの声に導かれてアキがたどり着いたのは、夢とも現実とも知らぬ虚構の「渋⾕」の街。そこで彼⼥が出会ったのは―― ?
血まみれスケバンチェーンソーRED 後編 ギーコの覚醒
Nero Aoi
There is a schoolgirl who carries her own personal chainsaw. She was attacked by a dead body who was created by her classmate one day. As such, she does not understand why she was attacked by a classmate. To find the answer she ventures into the enemy's base. There she finds out the reason for the assault.
血まみれスケバンチェーンソーRED 前編 ネロの復讐
Nero Aoi
Giko Nokomura is a female student at Nightingale Academy, who carries around her very own chainsaw. One day she begins to be attacked by modified corpses created by one of her classmates, Nero Aoi . She tears her way through the corpses and busts into Nero's hideout. Why is Nero so intent on attacking Giko?! The reason will shock you!After her battle with Nero, she encounters a new enemy. It's the leader of the Nightingale Academy Student Council Guardians, Nemesis.
咲-Saki- 阿知賀編 episode of side-A
Momoko Toyoko
Mone, Kechon, Chiffon, Younapi and Chibo are ordinal women. They work at a cleaning company. The CEO of the company is a woman and she is like a devil. The 5 working girls have boring days. One day, they go to a place in the middle of the forest to clean up. There, they find a dead body of a beautiful girl. The girls raise the beautiful girl from the dead by imitating a ritual of a Norwegian black metal band.