Anwar Jibawi


クリスマス直前に惑星直列という珍しい現象のせいで、両親と10代の子供たちの体が入れ替わってしまった! 大混乱に陥った一家は、それぞれの局面を乗り切れるのか。
Airplane Mode
En route to the world's largest social media convention in Australia, Logan Paul is scared to death; today is his first time flying. All of his worst nightmares come true when the passengers refuse to switch their phones to airplane mode, causing the plane's controls to go haywire and electrocuting the pilots.
Petting Scorpions
After Daisy (Cierra Ramirez) gets kicked out of a cult for exposing the leader's corruption, she teams up with a vagabond named Ace (Jeff Wittek) to seek revenge.