Sydney Bullock

Sydney Bullock

出生 : 2004-10-07, Kentucky, USA


Sydney Bullock


Before Memory
Janie Telford
A man suffering from amnesia teams up with a young girl to assist the FBI in solving the serial murders of eight young girls while struggling with flashbacks that suggest he may be the killer.
No More Darkness, No More Light
A woman fresh out of prison for a crime she took the fall for comes looking for the money she was promised, and the daughter she lost.
Burning Kentucky
In the hazy mountains of eastern Kentucky, a young woman searches for the missing pieces of a mysterious event that killed her family.
Ghost in the Family
Tom's Daughter
When an emotionally broken family moves into a house haunted by Tom, a suffering spirit, Tom sees an opportunity to try and save his soul by teaching the family how to live again...but quickly discovers that is easier said than done.
グースバンプス 呪われたハロウィーン
全米初登場No.1&全世界興収1億ドルを突破した大ヒット映画 『グースバンプス』シリーズ、待望の第2弾! 封印された本を巡る痛快ファンタジー・アドベンチャー! ハロウィーンシーズン真っ只中、ソニーとサムはある屋敷で一冊の本と腹話術人形を見つける。ホラー作家R.L.スタインによって書かれたその本を開くと、中に書かれていた小説が現実になってしまうのであった。スタインの描いたモンスターが街中に溢れ大混乱!そんな中、悪魔の腹話術人形スラッピーに捕らわれた母を救うため、ソニーとサム、そしてソニーの姉サラはハロウィーン・モンスター達に立ち向かう。果たして彼らはモンスター達を無事本の世界に戻すことが出来るのか…!?
Faith, Love & Chocolate
Young Jessica
Jessica Miller is thrust into the "real" world when she graduates from college. To conquer this new world, she must discover her faith, open a box of memories and learn the simple secrets of life only a mother can share.
French Club
Tori Vanderbilt
French Club is a Goonies-esque, teenage girl adventure that takes three high school friends on a trip across rural Kentucky. To fulfill the dying wish of one of the girl's grandmother, they must enlist the help of a gypsy cab driver to return a mysterious brass figurine to its rightful owner. This coming of age journey has the girls learn that the grandmother and her family are more than meets the eye.