Kyū Sazanka

Kyū Sazanka

出生 : 1914-04-01, Osaka, Osaka Prefecture, Japan

死亡 : 1971-03-04


大阪府大阪市出身。生家は船場でも指折りの米問屋だったが、米騒動のあおりを受けて倒れる。兵庫県立神戸工業学校の建築科に入り、建築会社への就職が決まっていたが、実兄が東京で画家の修行をしていたことから、自らも画家の道が捨てきれず、卒業試験をすっぽかして単身東京へ行く。この頃、社会主義思想に傾倒し、特高にも目をつけられ、尾行を巻いているうちに浅草のレビュー小屋に潜り込んで、そのまま文芸部員としてレビューの台本を書いたり、また歌手として舞台で歌ったりして生計を立てるようになる。 1932年11月にカジノ・フォーリーで歌手としてデビュー。1933年1月に浅草オペラ館の俳優となる。その後エノケン劇団、万盛座のグラン・テッカール、「吉本ショウ」などを転々とする[1]。当時は笠井峰と名乗っていた。のち大阪に戻り、いくつかの舞台に立つが、芽が出ずに俳優を辞めて朝鮮に行き、実業につく。1937年8月、東宝のロッパ一座に入り役者に復帰。このとき一緒に入ってきた森繁久彌と出会う。ここで芸名を加川久と名乗る。 1939年3月、当時絶大な人気を得ていた「あきれたぼういず」がリーダーの川田義雄を残して、坊屋三郎、益田喜頓、芝利英が吉本興業から松竹系の新興キネマ演芸部に引き抜かれ、その川田の代役として選ばれ、山茶花究の名で第2次あきれたぼういずを結成する。1943年に解散、森川信の新青年座に副座長で入り、1944年に山茶花究劇団を組織して巡業するが、戦況の悪化により解散する。その後、水の江滝子主催の劇団たんぽぽに加わり、終戦を迎える。 敗戦直後の1945年10月に再び劇団を立ち上げるが、すぐに解散。1946年に坊屋三郎、益田喜頓と「あきれたぼういず」を再結成。1952年に解散後は、喜劇役者として舞台や映画で活躍。ラジオのジャズ番組の司会などをしていたところ、森繁久彌から誘われて映画『夫婦善哉』にふちなし眼鏡をかけたインテリの番頭役で出演、冷酷で神経質なキャラクターを嫌味たっぷりに演じ、性格俳優として飛躍。 『社長シリーズ』『駅前シリーズ』などの喜劇映画に多数出演する一方、黒澤明、川島雄三作品の常連俳優でもあった。エラの張ったギョロ目の風貌で、高利貸しやヤクザの親分など嫌味かつ個性的な役どころなど天下一品の味わいを出し、悪役も善玉もこなす性格俳優として、日本映画黄金期に140作品以上の作品に出演した。1961年に『女は二度生まれる』の演技でNHK助演男優賞を受賞。 また舞台でも活躍し、森繁劇団では番頭格として三木のり平と共に森繁の片腕として動く。喜劇畑出身の俳優だったが、実際は左翼思想に傾倒していただけに新劇志向だったという。1970年5月、森繁劇団の明治座公演で倒れ、酸素マスクをつけてまで舞台に立ったが、気管支拡張症で入院。肺結核と糖尿病に苦しみ、死の床に見舞いに来た森繁久弥に「繁ちゃん、いっしょに逝こう」という言葉を残し、翌1971年3月4日午前6時16分に心不全で息を引き取った。 芸名は、九九の「さざんがきゅう(3×3=9)」に由来する。またいつもサインを求められると、「非情」とそえていた。


Kyū Sazanka


(archive footage)
A narrative feature made from a collage of clips from various films around the world.
Adapted from the Seicho Matsumoto story "Tazutazushi". Ryohei Suzuki, a manager at a travel company, is married to his superior's daughter, but tires of their authority over his life. A chance encounter with Yukiko Hirai one rainy night brings a new romance into Ryohei's life, and he and Yukiko fall deeply in love. Yukiko, however, reveals that she has a violent husband in prison - with only a week left until his release. Ryohei, desperate to maintain his social standing, brings Yukiko to the mountains in Nagano and sets in motion an unthinkable, tragic chain of events.
Sixth film in the long-running series Daiei Studio's Woman Gambler with Kyoko Enami starring where she plays the woman gambler Ogin.
Following the journey of a caterpillar along the Japanese islands from Nagasaki to Hokkaido, this allegorical and oblique first feature film by Kuroki depicts in exquisite images a series of encounters and life's turning points.
A Comedy: The University Around the Corner
Mr. Yamamura (Yumi's father/Keiko's uncle)
#13 in the Ekimae series of films. Set at Todai University, Professor Sakai (played by Frankie Sakai) mentors a group of university hopefuls. Cut to 25 years later, the students have each settled into their careers and cross paths with Professor Sakai's son, a P.E. teacher (also played by Sakai).
Nami kage
Ayako Wakao won the Blue Ribbon and the Kinema Jumpo for this film.
General Affairs Manager
東京オリンピック出場候補で、三段跳び選手の初等<はじめひとし>は、張り切り過ぎてアキレス腱のケガをし、故郷の実家に帰ってくる。 オリンピックの夢潰えて落ち込む中、ひょんなことから先祖が記した自伝を見つける。ホラを吹いては有言実行、刀一本で次々と出世をしたと記されたその伝記に感激した等は、一転、サラリーマンとして出世を志す。
Young lawyer Jiro receives a late night phone call from a distraught woman sending him on a journey to uncover corruption and exploitation stemming from those at the very top of society.
クレージー作戦 くたばれ!無責任
Nine maids serve the household of a writer and his wife. The couple treat their maids like daughters and marry them off to eligible men. So, they are forever looking for new maids. As the years go by maid servants become hired help and more bossy and independent, so Chikura and his wife find themselves adjusting their lives to keep up with changing times.
Japanese comedy film.
Executive Managing Director Ishigami
Ryokichi Ibuki is a clerk who learns company "top secrets" and becomes an industrial blackmailer. Kaoru Koizumi, a confidential secretary in love with Ibuki, reveals her firm's plans to him. She resigns when Ibuki blackmails her employer but Ibuki gains another spy in Ayuko Ichinoi...
喜劇 とんかつ一代
Sentarou Hideyama
不忍池近くの老舗のフレンチレストラン青龍軒を飛び出して、とんかつ屋「とんQ」を始めた久作は名人気質の頑固者。師匠だった伝次とは、伝次の妹と結婚したこともあって犬猿の仲。伝次の息子・伸一はコック修行を投げ出して、久作のところに入り浸り、とり子とイチャイチャ。そして、伝次の後妻の連れ子・復二は未来食クロレラの研究に熱中していた。そんな中、青龍軒が経営不振で人手に渡ることに… 個性あふれる人物たちが織りなす、ユーモアとペーソスの大型喜劇。
First Creditor
Shuntaro Yoshizawa, Writer
忠臣蔵 花の巻・雪の巻
The story tells of a group of samurai who were left leaderless (becoming ronin) after their daimyo (feudal lord) was forced to commit seppuku (ritual suicide) for assaulting a court official named Kira Yoshinaka, whose title was Kōzuke no suke. The ronin avenged their master's honor after patiently waiting and planning for over a year to kill Kira. In turn, the ronin were themselves forced to commit seppuku for committing the crime of murder.
殺陣師段平  (Tateshi Danpei)
The Fencing Master tells the story of a man trying to survive as the only world he knows is becoming increasingly irrelevant. Danpei Ichikawa lives for swordfighting – he was once a renowned kabuki swordfight choreographer, and as the Chairman of the New National Theatre Company, he wants nothing more than to choreograph the swordfights for the modern plays put on by the company.
丹下左膳 乾雲坤龍の巻
Suzukawa Genjuro
This movie depicts a familiar samurai Tange Sazen story realistically. A Tange loses one of his eyes and arms in an attempt to recover a masterpiece sword for his lord. However, his efforts are not appreciated and he becomes a man of hatred.
An ambitious young woman uses her sex appeal to solve financial problems in her family, including a brother in debt to the yakuza, and a father who stole money from his firm to repay his son's debt.
Sesshû Fujimoto
Satoko is a mistress by trade or fate: when her master, the silkscreen artist of the Kohoan Temple in Kyoto, dies, she is given to the temple's lascivious head priest Kikuchi. She is drawn to a melancholy young acolyte, Jinen, who has observed the profligacy of his cruel master and Satoko's utter dependence on the man. Jinen is both fascinated and disturbed by Satoko's interest in him; he is similarly caught between loathing of Kikuchi and of the dark circumstances of his birth and his own moral weakness. The story unfolds in a dreamlike manner—a flashback inspired by a now-infamous image on a silkscreen in the souvenir shop at the so-called Temple of the Wild Geese.
続 悪名
Towards the end of the Second World War, a downed U.S. pilot is captured and imprisoned by rural Japanese villagers, who await official instructions as to how to proceed with their “catch.”
A story about the nature of office workers today.
Yamaguchi, chief clerk
Asakichi beats a ganster, Sada, in a physical fight, leading to recognition by Sada's clan boss. When Kotoito, the geisha Asakichi is in love with, is kidnapped by a rival clan and sold to a a house of pleasure, Asakichi and Sada set out to rescue her.
A young girl is rigorously trained in the feminine arts so that she can become a geisha. As she struggles through life, she learns to live not just as a woman but as a complete person.
Shigezo Hanada
Contemporary musical drama film by Yasuzo Masumura.
In Meiji era Japan a sixth grade boy is smart, likable and confident and owing to his academic success liked by his teacher. Things are not going well at home, however, where his father does not work leaving the mother to toil . With the boy's family having no money he cannot progress his education and has to drop out of school. A neighbour, who is a bookstore owner, offers the family money to allow the boy to continue his schooling, but the father is too proud to accept and rebuffs the offer forcing the boy to work.
A historical drama that depicts the touching beauty of world obsession and human love in the style of light comedy, in the center of which is a young man who has a master license menkyo kaiden in the art of swordsmanship, but weak against lies and women. A remake of Bungaku no Issue, shot by Sadao Yamanaka in 1933.
Commander Matsushita
In the autumn of 1945, Petty Officer Tadashi Yamaji is among the numerous war crimes suspects facing death on the gallows for maltreatment of Allied women and children interned in camp Kampili. Kampili is located some ten kilometers outside Macassar on the island of Celebes. Eighteen-hundred Allied women and children were interned for the duration of the war. Yamaji's iron rule for camp administration is : No violence; hands off internees; He also endeavors to establish self-administration by internees while aiming at a self-supporting camp economy within six months. His ingenuity gains the camp numerous pigs to enrich their diet, and sewing machines with to make fatigue uniforms for the military. The internees are grateful for what little aid he can give them. As the tides of war changes, Allied planes bomb the camp in error. But the surrender of Japan changes everything, and the internees join forces to save their former camp commander from the gallows.
A kind of modern dress "Donzoko" "The Lower Depths", about slum life in Osaka, where a greedy widow (Mimasu) takes advantage of her poor roomers, including her own son, who makes a meagre living stripping taxicabs.
Construction Company Executive Director Kaneko
When the plague threatens a small town in Manchuria, a young doctor finds himself struggling to save the lives of his townspeople.
A budding gangster enthralls a freeloading young woman, soon taking advantage of her knack for hitch-hiking to rob middle-class, middle-aged men.
Tatsuo Osone movie
Bar owner
Army surgeon
長谷川伸の股旅小説「勘パの勘ちゃん」の映画化で、「血斗水滸伝 怒涛の対決」の高岩肇が脚色、「愛の鐘」の久松静児が監督した時代喜劇。撮影は「カックン超特急」の杉本正二郎。
Kitagawa Utamaro is a famous ukiyo-e artist known for his paintings of beautiful women. The courtesan who became his model became even more popular. Ocho, a resident of an apartment building, hears about this and secretly plans to follow Otose, the owner of Mizuta-ya, who became famous as Utamaro's model. At this time, the Kano school, headed by Kano Eikawa, which was under the control of the shogunate, is dissatisfied with Utamaro's fame and tries to compromise him…
Curio dealer
A middle-aged husband of a younger woman finds her youth intimidating to the point that he cannot become aroused. His solution involves the introduction of his daughter's lover to his wife.
The story is about the social problems faced by Japan's indigenous Ainu, mostly centered on the reactions of the characters to their oppressed state.
人間の條件 第1部純愛篇/第2部激怒篇
Meisan Chô
After handing in a report on the treatment of Chinese colonial labor, Kaji is offered the post of labor chief at a large mining operation in Manchuria, which also grants him exemption from military service. He accepts, and moves to Manchuria with his newly-wed wife Michiko, but when he tries to put his ideas of more humane treatment into practice, he finds himself at odds with scheming officials, cruel foremen, and the military police.
Fifth entry in the Company President Series.
Kanzo Kumada
When Yumiko Tsuyama, a potter by profession, comes inquiring about a room for rent in an old mansion overlooking Osaka, she finds a bizarre collection of characters already living there. The unlikely leader of this menagerie is Yoda Goro, who speaks four languages fluently, is an expert in cabbage rolls, and has written how-to books encompassing every aspect of human existence.
A friendly rivalry turns into romance for Yukiko, an elite female detective, and a handsome private eye named Mitamura while both are investigating the missing person's case from a wealthy family.
おこんの初恋 花嫁七変化
A fox in disguise, Okon, returns the favor to a man who rescued her from a fatal trap.
Takakura Higashi
Based on the novel by Toyoko Yamazaki.
Genban Oniyama
Kosaka drops to death while ice climbing with his friend Uozu to see the sunrise on the New Year’s Day. The investigators try to find the cause of the death, then discover that the cut rope was made in the factory for which Uozu’s brother works.
Saburo Maeda
Aya successfully stages a fashion show in Osaka and in the train on her way home to Tokyo accidentally treads on a man's foot. The man whose name is Rentaro is not amused. Just afterwards she notices that he is reading a magazine which carries her picture which he crushes and throws under his seat. One of her customers in Tokyo is a pretty girl named Kana for whom she had designed a dress which at first seems quite satisfactory. But a few days later Kana brings it back. It seems her brother thinks it terrible. But when Kana brings the dress back she meets Aya's brother, Takeshi, with whom she becomes friendly and Takeshi gives her a new dress which he smuggles out of his sister's office. When Aya finds Kana's discarded dress and misses one belonging to another customer she goes to see Kana's brother, and to her surprise finds him to be the fellow whose foot she'd stepped upon in the train...
The story revolves around a young man appointed to rescue a troubled hospital who must choose between two women, a dedicated nurse or a spoiled rich girl.
1957 drama from director Kôzaburô Yoshimura
Romantic comedy.
Starring Tsuruta Koji and Hibari Misora, Oshidori kenkagasa is an adaptation of Hasegawa Shin's wandering yakuza novel, "Ketaguri ondo." Directed by Hagiwara Ryo, a former assistant director for Yamanaka Sadao.
A poor peasant, after years of scraping, becomes a rich and powerful Osaka merchant. Mizoguchi Kenji's final project; he died before completing it and directing duties turned over to Yoshimura Kozaburo.
Tarô Furukawa
A talent scout moves sharply, dead-set on signing a promising athlete to the baseball team the Toyko Flowers.
Shozo is plagued by the needs of his ex-wife and his current one, but prefers the company of his cat.
Film adaption by Kenji Misumi
In Kyoto a young kimono maker with traditional ideas gets involved with a married professor.
銭形平次捕物控 死美人風呂
若様侍捕物帳 魔の死美人屋敷
Okawa Hashizo as 'Young Lord', the unlikely sleuth sets out to untangle the riddle of what went on at the Inner Palace, where a young woman who had served the Shogun came home in fear for her life. Will the Young Lord uncover the truth of what went on at the Palace, and does it relate to a series of murders that have been occurring just before the festival?
Police beat a murder confession out of four innocent men who are then sentenced to death. Based on a true story.
続二等兵物語 五里霧中の巻
First sequel to "Story of Second Class Private".
多羅尾伴内シリーズ 戦慄の七仮面
Detective Tarao goes undercover to battle an evil gun smuggling business.
Tale of tragic love between samurai and princess during Heian period.
歌まつり 満月狸合戦
Hibari Misora musical.
青春航路 海の若人
Japanese youth film.
A fellow member of the company named Hanjiro tells Koharu, an actress in a traveling theatrical troupe, about a keepsake folding fan that his lost love Lady Okyo gave him years ago. It turns out this fan is a precious clan heirloom whose possession, for convoluted reasons, will determine the clan's leadership. Sword-slinging bad guys descend to capture the fan, and Koharu embarks on a road trip to Edo to return the MacGuffin to the rightful hands of Lady Okyo.
Japanese comedy film.
Kingoro Yanagiya's 100th film.
Early jidaigeki by Tai Kato
Early jidaigeki by Tai Kato.