Daniel Weis


Birthday Girl
Foley Mixer
Nanna has invited her daughter Cille and her best friend to celebrate Cille's 18th birthday on a cruise ship bound for the Caribbean. But the first evening of the dream vacation itself turns into a nightmare.
Foley Artist
Paul Baumer and his friends Albert and Muller, egged on by romantic dreams of heroism, voluntarily enlist in the German army. Full of excitement and patriotic fervour, the boys enthusiastically march into a war they believe in. But once on the Western Front, they discover the soul-destroying horror of World War I.
Free Country
Sound Designer
Former East Germany, 1992. Patrick Stein and Markus Bach, two very different police officers, are commissioned to investigate the disappearance of two female teenagers in a remote area of the country. Did they run away from home or did something more terrible happen to them?
Foley Artist
Pope Francis: A Man of His Word
Sound Designer
Pope Francis responds to questions from around the world, discussing topics including ecology, immigration, consumerism and social justice.
Central Airport THF
Sound Designer
A documentary about Berlin's former airport Tempelhof. A film about Departures and Arrivals. And about those Berliners who come here to escape from their daily lives and those refugees who came here to finally arrive somewhere.
ADR Recordist
第2次大戦末期。ドイツ軍から脱走したヘロルトは偶然ナチス将校の軍服を発見。軍服を着た彼は、勘違いした兵士に将校として扱われ…。<原題の"Hauptmann"はドイツ語で「大尉」。 第二次世界大戦末期、偶然の成り行きと言葉巧みなウソによって将校の威光を手に入れた脱走兵の若者が怪物的な独裁者に変貌していく様を描く。1945年にヴィリー・ヘロルトが引き起こした実際の事件をベースにしている。>
Foley Artist
A troubled family must face facts when tragedy strikes their son's desolate military post.
Sound Designer
As the unforgiving forces of nature take their toll on humans and animals, the unexpected return of snow devastates the nomad family’s livestock. 11-year old Sukbhat is forced to leave his childhood behind. Now the hopes of the family rely on the young boy who should tame and race the wild horse. An intense relation between father, son and their wild horse shows how nature overwhelms and influences human beings. Nobody remains unscathed after being confronted with the powers of the steppe.
Sound Editor
Helen is a nonconformist teenage girl who maintains a conflictual relationship with her parents. Hanging out most of her time with her friend Corinna, with whom she breaks one social taboo after another, she uses sex as a way to rebel and break the conventional bourgeois ethic. After an intimate shaving accident, Helen ends up in the hospital where it doesn’t take long before she makes waves. But there she finds Robin, a male nurse who will sweep her off her feet...
クラウド アトラス
ADR Recordist
それぞれ時代も場所も違う6つのエピソードが入れ子状に関連しながら大きな物語を構成していくデイヴィッド・ミッチェルの同名小説を、「マトリックス」のウォシャウスキー姉弟と「パフューム ある人殺しの物語」のトム・ティクヴァ監督が、原作同様、エピソードごとにジャンルの違う語りで映画化した一大映像叙事詩。主演のトム・ハンクスはじめ、ハル・ベリー、ジム・ブロードベント、ペ・ドゥナら豪華スターたちが輪廻転生を象徴するように、各時代の登場人物を人種や性別を超えて演じ分ける大胆な配役も話題に。  1849年、南太平洋。青年ユーイングは、妻の父から奴隷売買を託され、船での航海に出るが…。1936年、スコットランド。ユーイングの航海日誌を読む若き作曲家フロビシャー。父に勘当され、天才作曲家のもとで曲づくりに悪戦苦闘する。その曲は、のちに幻の名曲と呼ばれる『クラウド アトラス六重奏』だった…。1973年、サンフランシスコ。巨大企業の汚職を追及する女性ジャーナリスト、ルイサは、会社が放った殺し屋に命を狙われるが…。2012年、イングランド。著書を酷評した評論家を殺害した作家ホギンズ。彼の自伝は大ヒットし、出版元の編集者は大儲けとなるが…。2144年、ネオ・ソウル。そこは遺伝子操作によって複製種が作られ、人間のために消費される社会。複製種の少女ソンミ451は自我に目覚め、反乱を企てるが…。そして遥か未来、文明がすっかり崩壊した地球。ある羊飼いの男のもとを、進化した人間コミュニティからやって来た一人の女が訪ねるが…。6つのエピソードは並行して描かれ、やがて怒濤のクライマックスへと突き進んでいく。
Palermo Shooting
Sound Effects Editor
After the wild lifestyle of a famous young German photographer almost gets him killed, he goes to Palermo, Sicily to take a break. Can the beautiful city and a beautiful local woman calm him down?
Palermo Shooting
Sound Designer
After the wild lifestyle of a famous young German photographer almost gets him killed, he goes to Palermo, Sicily to take a break. Can the beautiful city and a beautiful local woman calm him down?
Palermo Shooting
ADR Recordist
After the wild lifestyle of a famous young German photographer almost gets him killed, he goes to Palermo, Sicily to take a break. Can the beautiful city and a beautiful local woman calm him down?
Palermo Shooting
Foley Recordist
After the wild lifestyle of a famous young German photographer almost gets him killed, he goes to Palermo, Sicily to take a break. Can the beautiful city and a beautiful local woman calm him down?