Lee Do-guk


Behead the King
Seongjong who history remembers, earns a reputation for appreciating the motto 'making the people feel comfortable and putting political affairs right'. He is known as the king who led his country in the most peaceful and steady way during the Joseon times. However, was Seongjong really a wise king? Seongjong was enthroned by Queen Jeong-hee, Queen In-soo, Han Myeong-hoi and his supporters. The 13-year-old king made 73 of his supporters his retainers! Numerous noblemen were happy that he became king. However, some of his people had to cry blood because he became the king. "Is this country run by phantoms like you My Lord?" Seongjong, the puppet who dreamt of a reign of peace, wishes to behead the king who dominates the people!
Transportation Team
わずか3分16秒のうちに殺人犯に仕立てられた主人公クォン。次々に出てくる思いもよらない証拠。全ては何者かに仕組まれたかのように彼を犯人として導いていく―まったく身に覚えのない罪を着せられたクォンは、仲間から黒幕の存在を告げられる。クォンの元に、この仕組まれた殺人の実態を暴くためそれぞれの特技を持ったゲーマー仲間5人が集結。次々と明らかになる真実に伴い、ある男の存在が浮かび上がる。しかし、その存在を知ったとき、男の恐るべき力を目の当たりにするのだった。 街全体を操作する巨大な力を持った男に、たった6人で立ち向かうゲーマーたち。果たして彼らに勝機はあるのか!?