Set Decoration
During a carnival, near the border between Argentina and Bolivia, a young Malambo dancer prepares for the most important competition of his life. When his ex-felon father returns, he jeopardizes everything by dragging his son into the criminal world.
Set Designer
Pedro, a 70-year-old gay nurse, is taking care of Daniela, his ailing transgender friend. In order to find her a vacant hospital bed, he decides to help an arrested and wounded criminal to escape.
Set Decoration
Pedro, a 70-year-old gay nurse, is taking care of Daniela, his ailing transgender friend. In order to find her a vacant hospital bed, he decides to help an arrested and wounded criminal to escape.
Assistant Set Decoration
1980年代初頭、シチリアではマフィアの全面戦争が激化していた。パレルモ派の大物ブシェッタは抗争の仲裁に失敗しブラジルに逃れるが、残された家族や仲間達はコルレオーネ派の報復によって次々と抹殺されていった。ブラジルで逮捕されイタリアに引き渡されたブシェッタは、マフィア撲滅に執念を燃やすファルコーネ判事から捜査への協力を求められる。麻薬と殺人に明け暮れ堕落した犯罪組織コーザ・ノストラに失望していたブシェッタは、固い信頼関係で結ばれたファルコーネに組織の罪を告白する決意をするが、それはコーザ・ノストラの ”血の掟” に背く行為だった……。仁義なき抗争の果てに、名誉ある男の美学を貫こうとブシェッタが下した決断とは−−。
Set Decoration
A recently separated Argentinian man and woman, with their two teenage children, go on a family holiday to Florianópolis, Brazil, where they become delightfully and problematically involved with the family from whom they rent a house.
Set Decoration
In the thirties, two sisters separated by fate face prejudice and sexism, one by the high society in a big city and the other by a group of renegades in the countryside. Despite the distance, they know that they can only count on each other and both of them will assert themselves in their own and surprising way.