Seina Nakata

Seina Nakata

出生 : 2000-01-06, Hyōgo Prefecture, Japan


Seina Nakata
Seina Nakata


On August 12, 2015, Hasegawa proposed to Ichiko. Ichiko is moved by Hasegawa's proposal and sheds tears, but the next day, she suddenly leaves home, seemingly shocked after seeing the TV news. Where did Ichiko go? Hasegawa reports the disappearance to the police, and the detective in charge of the investigation tells an unexpected story.
プロのバレエダンサーを目指し海外で活動していた美園舞子(29)(瀧本美織)は、夢を諦めて帰国。バレエ以外にやりたいこともなく、国語教師として実家近くの高校で働き始める。しかし夢を諦めたばかりの舞子にとって、夢や希望に溢れた高校という場所は皮肉なものであった。おまけに全く経験のないバレーボール部の顧問にされてしまったり、担任を任されたクラスも個性的な生徒が多く、不安は募るばかり。舞子が担任するクラスの生徒・金子飛鳥(中田青渚)は、バレー部のキャプテンでエース。大学でもバレーを続けるかのように見えた飛鳥は自分の実力を悟り、バレーでの進学を諦めかけていた。同じクラスの佐藤正宗(青木柚)は、常にギターバッグを背負っているが、軽音楽部のある先輩の実力を知り、自分が適わないと察して入部できないでいる。三年生の丸沢百恵(富田望生)は、同級生の光輝に7度告白、何度フラれても光輝のことを諦めきれずにいる。舞子はそんな生徒たちと関わるなかで、それぞれの「夢を諦めること」への葛藤があることを知り、今の自分を見つめ直すようになる。そんな頃、舞子の母・優子(富田靖子)から見せられた小学校の卒業文集。将来の夢はバレエダンサーと書いていると思い込んでいたが、実際は教師になることが夢だと書いてあった。舞子は夢をかなえていたのだ。 ある日の授業中、舞子はとある漢文の言葉に引っ掛かり、唐突に生徒たちに「諦めること」について話し始める。舞子の言葉を受け、それぞれの道を決めた生徒たち。その後、学校の踊り場で、舞子は初めて小さくバレエを踊る。
Keiko Kobayashi
In a seaside town where very little happens, middle school students Keisuke Isobe and Koume Satou live a rather dull life. But when Koume's crush breaks her heart, their situation becomes quite unordinary. She starts a "no-strings-attached" relationship with Keisuke, whom she had previously rejected, both finding solace in the other in order to fill the emotional voids in their lives. However, being "friends with benefits" becomes complicated when real feelings begin to develop, as the consequences of their relationship start to take their toll on those around them and themselves. A Girl on the Shore takes a harsh look at love, relationships, and the emotional price that will be paid as the result of a decision made between two teenagers.
At midnight, in a residential area of Osaka, a middle aged man is murdered. The person who killed the man is a high school student. En is a 2nd grade high school student. She spends her boring days with her friend Kotoko, who tends to change boyfriends frequently. Kotoko falls in love with Narihira at first sight. Narihira is a soccer player at their high school. Since then, the relationship between En and Kotoko changes.
lha Jojo
Yoshie Tachibana
半年前、父親の仕事の都合で東京の学校から大津馬村[注 2]の大津馬中学校に転校して来た野咲春花は、クラスメイトからの壮絶なイジメに遭っていた。春花は家族に心配を掛けまいとイジメに遭っていることを隠し、中学校卒業までの残り2カ月間を必死に耐えようとするが、春花へのイジメは悪化の一途を辿るばかり。遂にイジメを知った家族の勧めで春花が登校拒否を行ったある日、イジメっ子達が彼女の家に乗り込み両親と妹に危害を加え、家を放火するという事件が起こる。春花の妹・祥子は大火傷を負いながらも助かったが、両親は命を落としてしまった。やがて事件の真相が露見することを恐れたイジメっ子達は春花に自殺するよう強要。だが、それがきっかけとなって春花は事件の真相を知り、家族を奪ったイジメっ子達に己の命を賭けた凄惨な復讐を開始する。
写真甲子園 0.5秒の夏
"National High School Photography Championship Tournament", also known as "Shashin Koshien" is an event held annually in Higashikawa, Hokkaido, Japan's town of photography. Every summer, Shashin Koshien decides which school has the best photography club. Oyama, Sakura, and Mirai from Kansai Academy in Osaka were encouraged by their advisor to join with the aim of letting them experience "a world where people who are challenged could see". Meanwhile, Tsubakiyama Shota, a senior at Sakuragaoka Gakuen in Tokyo is the only member of his school's photography club. Other members resigned thinking that photography won't help in getting them to a university. In spite of principal Saeki objecting to his plans, Shota was still eager to join, forming a team with his childhood friend and a junior volunteer. With over 500 schools all over the country, only 18 schools would be chosen to participate in the event. Competitors fight to capture the beauty of Japan and the human spirit.