Karen Yokomizo


First Assistant Accountant
A father and his son walk alone through burned America. Nothing moves in the ravaged landscape save the ash on the wind and water. It is cold enough to crack stones, and, when the snow falls it is gray. The sky is dark. Their destination is the warmer south, although they don't know what, if anything, awaits them there.
First Assistant Accountant
ボブ・クレイン 快楽を知ったTVスター
First Assistant Accountant
A successful TV star during the 1960s, former "Hogan's Heroes" actor Bob Crane projects a wholesome family-man image, but this front masks his persona as a sex addict who records and photographs his many encounters with women, often with the help of his seedy friend, John Henry Carpenter. This biographical drama reveals how Crane's double life takes its toll on him and his family, and ultimately contributes to his death.
First Assistant Accountant
Assistant Accountant
 縄張り争いが激化する'50年代のロス。街のコーヒーショップで元刑事を含む6人の男女が惨殺される事件が発生した。殺された刑事の相棒だった バドが捜査を開始。殺された女と一緒にいたブロンド美人リンに接近する。彼女はスターに似た女を集めた高級娼婦組織の一員。同じ頃、その組織をベテラン刑事のジャックが追っていた。野心家の若手刑事エドも事件を追い、容疑者を射殺。事件は解決したかに見えたが……。