Ryo Kono


僕のヒーローアカデミア THE MOVIE ヒーローズ:ライジング
Background Designer
Background Designer
Assistant Art Director
映画「イノセンス」の舞台は、人々が電脳化され、声を出さずとも、コンピューター端末を打たなくとも、ネットワークを通じたデジタルコミュニケーションが可能になる一方、肉体の機械化も進み、人とサイボーグ、ロボットが共存する、2032年の世界。魂が希薄になった時代。決してそう遠くない近未来を舞台に物語の幕が開く。 主人公は、続発するテロ犯罪を取り締まる政府直属の機関・公安9課の刑事バトー。バトーは生きた人形(サイボーグ)である。腕も脚も、その身体のすべてが造り物。残されているのはわずかな脳と、一人の女性、素子(もとこ)の記憶だけ。 ある日、少女型のロボットが暴走を起こし、所有者を惨殺する事件が発生。「人間のために作られたはずのロボットがなぜ、人間を襲ったのか」。さっそくバトーは、相棒のトグサと共に捜査に向かう。電脳ネットワークを駆使して、自分の「脳」を攻撃する“謎のハッカー”の妨害に苦しみながら、バトーは事件の真相に近づいていく。
Background Designer
Harada Kusuko is a high school girl with a secret crush on the class playboy, Mishima Takeshi.
Nineteen 19
Art Direction
While in junior high, Kubota, had a major crush on Masana but she was dating Kazuya. Now in his senior year of high school, Kubota, still has a crush on Masana even though he hasn't seen her in years. A chance encounter leads to an interesting situation. It seems Masana has broken up with Kazuya and is ready for a new relationship. Or is she? Will Kubota be so blinded by his feelings that he fails to see what is really happening? Will he even care?! After all he could very easily lose his virginity by pretending that he doesn't. Adapted from the Nineteen manga.
Background Designer
Yamazaki Ryouhei is a cool twenty-three year old, with an extremely high sex drive. A smooth talker with the lady killing eyes and a winning smile, we follow him in his never-ending search for the perfect woman. When Yamazaki catches the eye of the beautiful senior editor, Oda Yuki, you know he's not just going far, he's going all the way. He lucks into a job at Potato Boy magazine that seems just made for him, but just how far can you get if your only hobby is looking at naked women? Now he's aiming for the top, turning Potato Boy magazine into one hell of a publication. No one expected things to get so hot, so quickly, but Yamazaki knows what he wants and he knows how to get it. Don't think he will take no for an answer!